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Coronavirus infection COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus that has not previously been detected in humans.

Exposure to this virus leads to the development of a respiratory flu-like illness with symptoms such as cough, fever and, in more severe cases, pneumonia. To protect yourself from infection, wash your hands more often and do not touch your face with your hands.

How is infection distributed?

The new coronavirus is transmitted mainly through contact with an infected person by coughing or sneezing, or by airborne droplets when inhaling drops of saliva or discharge from the patient’s nose.

There are currently no vaccines for the prevention of coronavirus infection COVID-19.

To reduce the risk of infection, you must:

  • regularly treat your hands with an alcohol-based product or wash them with soap and water;

  • while coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth with a napkin or elbow;

  • avoid close contact (keep at least 1 meter) with people who have symptoms of the common cold or flu.

Task 1. Read the text above and give English equivalents:

  1. инфекционное заболевание, вызванное новым коронавирусом -

  2. респираторное гриппоподобное заболевание -

  3. для защиты от инфекции -

  4. в результате контакта с инфицированным человеком -

  5. воздушно-капельный путь -

  6. при вдыхании капель слюны -

  7. выделения из носа больного -

  8. вакцины для профилактики коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 -

  9. для уменьшения риска заражения -

  10. обрабатывать руки спиртосодержащим средством -

  11. мыть руки водой с мылом -

  12. в более тяжелых случаях -

  13. прикрывать нос и рот салфеткой -

  14. держаться на расстоянии не менее 1 метра -

  15. избегать тесных контактов -

  16. во время кашля или чихания –

  17. коронавирус, который ранее у людей не обнаруживался –

  18. воздействие данного вируса –

Task 2. Translate from English into Russian the newly-born words related to COVID-19 in

written form:

a super-spreader - an individual who is highly contagious and capable of transmitting a

communicable disease to an unusually large number of uninfected


social distancing - the practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other

people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places

during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and

reduce the transmission of infection;

to self-quarantine - to refrain from any contact with other individuals for a period of time (such

as two weeks) during the outbreak of a contagious disease usually by

remaining in one's home and limiting contact with family members;

a covidiot - someone who ignores public health and safety warning and who acts like

an idiot during the COVID-19 pandemic

Task 3. Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of disease is a coronavirus infection COVID-19?

  2. What symptoms does this virus lead to?

  3. What must you do to protect yourself from infection?

  4. How is this virus transmitted through?

  5. Are there vaccines for the prevention of this infection?

  6. What are the best ways to protect others from your coughing and sneezing?

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