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  • Jill is going to France for a holiday. (в)

  • We walked from the hotel to the station. (от…до)

  • A lot of English words come from Latin. (из) to

  • I opened the door and walked into the room.

  • We jumped off the bridge into the water.

  • A man came out of the house and got into a car.

into (in) – внутрь (в) Why are you looking out of the window? out of - из

We usually say put something in ... (not into):

  • I put the money in my pocket.

Compare put ... in and take ... out of:

I put the new batteries in the radio.

I took the old batteries out of the radio

on (на поверхность) off (с поверхности)

        • Don't put your feet on the table.

  • Please take your feet off the table.

  • I'm going to hang some pictures on the wall.

  • Be careful! Don't fall off your bicycle.

  • We walked up the hill to the house.

  • Be careful! Don't fall down the stairs.


  • The plane flew over the mountains.

  • I jumped over the wall into the garden.

  • Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder. under (под)

через (над)

through (через)

  • A bird flew into the room through a window.

  • The old road goes through the village. round (=around)

  • The new road goes round the village.

  • The bus-stop is just round the corner.

  • We walked round the town and took some photographs.

аlong (вдоль, по) across (через)

  • I was walking along the road with my dog.

  • Let's go for a walk along the river.

  • The dog swam across the river.

  • They walked past me.

  • A: Excuse me, where is the hospital?

past (мимо) B: Go along this road, past the cinema, under

the bridge and the hospital is on the left.

сесть на…

войти в…





Упасть с поверхности



Споткнуться и упасть




go to ... (go to London/go to work/go to a concert etc.)

I'm going to France next week.

  • What time do you usually go to work?

  • Tom didn't want to go to the concert.

  • I went to the dentist on Friday.

  • What time did you go to bed last night?

also: go to sleep (= start to sleep) – уснуть

  • I went to bed and went to sleep very quickly.

go home (without to):

  • I'm going home now. (not 'going to home')

go on holiday/a trip/an excursion/a cruise

  • We go on holiday (to Scotland) every year.

  • When we were on holiday, we went on a lot of excursions to different places.

  • Schoolchildren often go away on school trips.

go for a walk/a run/a swim/a drink/a meal/a holiday

  • The sea looks nice. Let's go for a swim.

  • Last night we went out for a meal. The restaurant was very good.

  • 'Where's Ann?' 'She's gone for a walk in the park.'

  • They've gone to Scotland for a holiday.

We say 'to be on holiday' (в отпуске) but 'to go for a holiday' (в отпуск)

go swimming/go shopping etc.

We use go -ing for sporting activities (go swimming / go skiing / go jogging / go fishing etc.) and also shopping (go shopping):

I go

He is going

We went

They have gone

She wants to go





skiing etc.

  • We live near the mountains. In winter we go skiing every weekend.

  • She has a small boat and she often goes sailing.

  • Are you going shopping this afternoon?

  • It's a nice day. Let's go swimming, (or Let's go for a swim.)

  • George went fishing last Sunday. He caught a lot of fish.

Get and arrive

arrive in ... and arrive at ...

arrive in a country or town (arrive in Italy/arrive in Paris etc.):

  • They arrived in England last week, (not 'arrived to England')

arrive at other places (arrive at the station /arrive at work etc.) – в любое другое место

  • What time did they arrive at the hotel? (not 'arrive to the hotel')

arrive home (no preposition):

  • I was tired when I arrived home.

We say 'get to a place':

  • What time did they get to London / get to work / get to the party?

Note that we say 'enter a building / enter a room' etc. (not 'enter into') – с глаголом enter предлога нет

We say go/come/travel (etc.) to a place or event. For example:

go to America

go to bed

take (somebody) to hospital

return to Italy

go to the bank come to my house

drive to the airport

  • When are your friends returning to Italy? (not 'returning in Italy')

  • After the accident three people were taken to hospital. (3 человека отвезли)

In the same way we say: on my way to... / a journey to... / a trip to... / welcome to... etc.:

  • Welcome to our country! (not 'welcome in')

Compare to (for movement) and in/at (for position):

  • They are going to France, but They live in France.

  • Can you come to the party? but I'll see you at the party.


We do not say 'to home'. We say go home / come home / get home / arrive home / on the way home etc. (no preposition):

  • I'm tired. Let's go home.

  • I met Caroline on my way home.

But we say 'be at home', 'stay at home', 'do something at home' etc.


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