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Crimes surround us throughout our lives. Every day when we open a newspaper or turn on TV almost all we read or hear is about criminals and their illegal actions. All criminals must be punished. Without laws and punishments, our lives would be more dangerous.

People begin to be responsible for violation of the law from the age of 14. Because at this age people are already making conscious actions. Scientists identify several reasons why we commit crimes:

  • The first reason is the genetic cause. The idea that some people commit crimes because of biological factors has a long tradition. This theory suggests that criminals are born not made.

  • The second reason is the environment. This theory states that a person's surroundings influence their behavior. If person lives in a bad environment then he is more inclined to commit crimes. For example as a child we look at how people act in different situations and in the future we do the same.

  • The third reason is the choice. The central idea of this theory is that crime is a career decision, an alternative way of making a living. Some people find it easier to commit a crime that to go to work. Also there are people who commit petty crimes fell unpunished and commit more serious crimes. It is their conscious choice.

Television also plays a huge role these days. Violence on television makes young people more violent because if the child sees every day violence on television he begins to believe that this is normal.

Despite all the prohibitions and punishments, people have always committed and will continue to commit crimes. Most people are punished for crimes but there are situations in history when people commit the perfect crime. For example when someone stole a lot of money and no one ever found out about it.

In conclusion, I want to say that crime is a social issue, so if you want to decrease its frequency and rate, you should start from yourselves. Follow the law and teach your children to do this, and be sure that the crime rate will be much lower.