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Translate from Russian into English.

  1. просить компенсации - to request compensation

  2. бракованные или поврежденные товары - defective or damaged merchandise

  3. неадекватная или запаздывающая (отсроченная) услуга - an inadequate or delayed service

  4. служить юридическим документом - to serve as a legal document

  5. ссылаться на товары, о которых идет речь - to refer to the articles in question

  6. второсортные товары - second–rate products

  7. заказ должен был быть здесь к … - the order should have arrived here by …

  8. к настоящему времени мы не получили ответа - so far we have received no reply

  9. при исследовании груза - on examining the consignment …

  10. мы были вынуждены понести дополнительные затраты, за которые считаем вас ответственными - we have had to incur extra expenses for which we hold you responsible

  11. Кажется, существует недопонимание относительно условий скидок. - There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding the terms of discount.

  12. согласно пункта о санкциях - according to the sanction clause

  13. иметь право требовать штраф - to have the right to claim a penalty

  14. исправлять счета - to adjust accounts

  15. оплата почтовых расходов получателем - carriage forward

  16. оплата почтовых расходов отправителем - carriage paid

  17. объяснить несоответствие - to explain this discrepancy

  18. на стоимость недополученных товаров - for the value of the goods short–shipped

  19. сейчас мы находимся в очень неудобном положении - we are now placed in a very awkward position

  20. стать непригодным к эксплуатации - to become unserviceable

  21. работать сверхурочно, чтобы выполнить увеличившееся число заказов - to work overtime to clear the increase in orders

  22. товары повреждены так, что не подлежат ремонту - the goods are damaged beyond repair


Use a proper word(s) to complete the sentences.

  1. many complaints can be made in person

  2. to resolve an unsatisfactory situation

  3. Avoid making the recipient an adversary.

  4. We regret to draw your attention to the fact that

  5. We find that eleven bales show a landed weight of 2,496 Ibs. against a shipping weight of 2,750 Ibs., thus showing a loss of 254 Ibs.

  6. send us replacements at your earliest convenience

  7. you will do your utmost to ensure that our consignment arrives soon.

  8. the mechanism is damaged beyond repair


Use proper prepositions to complete the sentences and phrases.

  1. to be unsatisfied with the execution of the order

  2. the request for compensation

  3. to work overtime to clear the increase in orders

  4. on examining the consignment

  5. The packing of the goods is inadequate and unsuitable to local conditions.

  6. send us replacements at your earliest convenience

  7. You have always kept to delivery dates.

  8. We can sell the shirts at 15% below the list price.

  9. What are we to do with the rugs now in our possession?


Translate from Russian into English.

  1. предложить возмещение ущерба - to offer indemnification

  2. Мы должны признать, что… - We have to admit that…

  3. Груз был задержан - consignment has been held up

  4. Мы уже обсудил вопрос с … - We have now taken the matter up with ...

  5. отклонить жалобу - to reject a complaint

  6. заменить товары – to substitute the articles

  7. неправильное использование товара не покрывается гарантийным обслуживанием - misuse of the unit is not included under our guarantee

  8. удовлетворить просьбу - to meet one’s request (or to comply with one’s request)

  9. сумма к оплате - the amount due

  10. обслуживаться в порядке строгой очередности - to be attended to in strict rotation

  11. относиться к грузу с абсолютным приоритетом - to treat one’s shipment with absolute priority

  12. транспортно-экспедиционное агентство - forwarding agents

  13. низкосортные товары - goods of inferior quality

  14. непревзойденный - second to none

  15. исправить ситуацию - to put the matter right

  16. я лично занимаюсь - I am personally involved

  17. быть первостепенной задачей - to be one’s foremost concern

  18. из вашего описания проблемы - from your account of the problem

  19. если все так, как описано в вашем письме … - If all is in order, as it sounds to be in your letter…

  20. принести извинения за недосмотр - to offer apologies for the oversight

  21. мы благодарим вас за то, что обратили наше внимание на эту ситуацию. - We thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.


Use proper prepositions to complete the sentences and phrases.

  1. the sellers should at once apologize to the buyers

  2. We have passed on your complaint to ...

  3. Misuse of the unit is not included under our guarantee.

  4. We should recommend you to lodge your claim with the Insurance Company.

  5. We are sorry to disagree with you on this matter.

  6. to comply with your request

  7. Thank you for your patience in this matter

  8. which accounts for the £9.00 difference

  9. the delay in sending your order

  10. owing to the increase in business

  11. We agree to your selling the remainder of the shirts at 15% below list price.

  12. was found damaged on arrival

  13. Please hold the faulty items at your disposal until we hear from our insurers.

  14. Your request for the $240 adjustment on the damage to the 2 crates of Valjean Cristal stemware will be granted.


Use a proper word(s) to complete the sentences.

  1. First he must find out whether the complaint is justified or not.

  2. even if the sellers think that the complaint is bottomless they should not say so

  3. We should recommend you to lodge your claim with the Insurance Company.

  4. this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely to occur again

  5. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

  6. dispatch will be effected on the m.v. BRECKNOR, due to arrive in Bremerhaven on the 21st of August

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