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высшего образования


Императора Александра I»

Кафедра «Русский и иностранные языки»

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык»

Домашнее задание

Section2, Unit5 (pages17-19)

Выполнил студент

Д. Р. Богданов

Факультет: АИТ

Группа: АР-909

Номер зачетной книжки: 01-909-02


Ю. В. Одинцова



Ex. 8 Match the descriptions to the country below.

  1. It has the most fast food restaurants in the world. The USA.

  2. They drink the most cups of tea per person in the world. Great Britain

  3. It has the busiest airport in the world. The USA.

  4. It is the most popular country in the world with tourists. France

  5. It has the most popular theme park in the world. The USA.

Ex. 10 Read the text below and answer these questions.

  1. Which place won in each category in Ex. 9?

  2. Which places have you heard of or visited?


  • Natural wonders such as waterfalls, mountains, etc. - The Grand Canyon

  • Ancient archeological sites and great monuments - The city of Petra

  • Romantic, historical cities - Venice

  • Exciting modern cities - Las Vegas

  • Beautiful beaches and coastline - KohSamui

b) I heard about Las Vegas and Venice.

Top Places to Visit

The Grand Canyon stretches for 443 kilometres where the Colorado River cuts through north-west Arizona. The Canyon is a baby by geological standards – only six million years old. It is the incredible colours of different rock layers that delight visitors. Over five million people visit the Canyon every year. Averagely, visitors spend only fifteen minutes looking at the Canyon. Even so, they should be careful: every year an average of five people fall over the edge.

What could be more romantic than going down a Venetian canal in a gondola? Venice is the favourite of lovers all over the world. This unique city is located on 118 islands, and has over 200 canals and 400 bridges. You should visit the Piazza San Marco, one of the most beautiful squares in the world, and marvel at the Basilica of St. Mark, and Doge’s Palace, the home of famous paintings and sculptures.

Even for those who are not interested in gambling, Las Vegas is one of the most exciting cities in the world. The Strip is a five-mile stretch of extravagant hotels and casinos, including replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Egyptian Pyramids and ancient Roman palaces. Famous for its quick weddings (Elvis Presley and Richard Geer were married there for example), you can even arrange a “drive through wedding” and be back in casinos in an hour!

KohSamui is a tropical paradise located in the warm waters to the southeast of Thailand. Although it is the second largest island after Phuket, it was unknown to tourists until a few years ago. Easy to reach from Bangkok, it is covered with coconut trees and brightly coloured flowers, and is surrounded by white sandy beaches and turquoise seas.

The city of Petra has been a location for many Hollywood films, including “Indiana Jones” and “The Last Crusade”. It was built in rocky cliffs more than two thousand years ago. Temples, palaces, and huge Amphitheatre were cut out of the cliffs, which give the city its rose-red appearance.