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Warming up as a stimulating indicator in developing oral skills



1. Warming up at the English language lessons as the pivotal tool in encouraging secondary school students to study English.

1.1 The peculiarities of the warming up, its significance at the beginning of the English lesson.

1.2 Warming up as a challenging indicator at the English lesson, the examples of warming up. Beneficial strategies in executing warming up in lessons

1.3 The role of Warming up as a stimulating part in FL teaching.

2. The practical study of development of pronunciation skills as the part of warming up.

2.1 The development of the English lesson

2.2 The empirical examples of the Warming-up

2.3 The analysis of experiments associated with warming up




Recent years have shown a significant increase in interest in the English language. It is recognized as the language of professional communication in various fields of activity. The most important task of a teacher is to increase motivation to learn English. In addition, among the complex tasks of a comprehensive school, there is the problem of improving teaching and educational activities in foreign language lessons.

Today, teachers are reviewing the arsenal of influence on the minds, will, emotions of students with the aim of introducing them into the rich world of culture and traditions of the country of the language being studied. The ways and methods of forming all types of speech activity are being reviewed: reading, speaking, listening, writing. Intensification of the educational process, stimulation of cognitive activity contributes to the introduction of the learning process, along with traditional activities, games and game moments.

The reason for the currently increased interest in various kinds of games is, first of all, a departure from traditional forms and methods of instruction. It should also be noted that while maintaining a sufficiently high motivation, there is a decrease in cognitive interest in learning a foreign language. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that students encounter some difficulties that seem insurmountable to them. Game activity, being one of the methods that stimulate educational and cognitive activity, allows you to use all levels of knowledge acquisition. Consequently, the interest in the use of games and game moments in foreign language lessons from researchers of various specialties, in particular, psychologists, teachers and methodologists, is not accidental.

The problems of stimulation and motivation to learn a foreign language using entertaining materials and game learning techniques are presented in the scientific studies of many domestic scientists (A. V. Konysheva, D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Leontyev , E.I. Passov, and others). A significant contribution to the study of the problem of the game in the lessons of a foreign language was made by M.F. Stronin, generalizing the concept of the game and giving them a detailed classification. In the practice of teaching foreign languages, numerous teaching aids, methodological developments, materials for conducting various games using foreign language material are used (I. V. Zhuchkova , A. Derbaremdiker , T. I. Spiridonova, and . S. Stepnova, T.Yu. Ivantsova, V.L. Ermakov and others).

The relevance of the work is due to the great demand for learning English. Qualitatively master the language allows various structures and methods. Warm up with a method that allows you to consolidate the learned and prepare for the lesson.

The object of study is the educational process using the warm-up technique

The Subject of study student performance under the influence of warm-up

Purpose of the study. Develop a complete guide to warm up in English classes


  • study theoretical warm-up issues

  • understand how warm-up affects student performance

  • develop workout guidelines

  • introduce a warm-up into the educational process

Theoretical interest consists in studying the issue of warm-up in English classes.

Practical employment consists in the development of a methodological manual.

Novelty. Warm-up issues today are poorly studied and rarely used by teachers in the classroom. Weak prevalence is due to the fact that this method has appeared recently.