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Speaking and Writing Tasks (Optional)

Units 1-3

1 Speaking

A Discussion

Work in pairs. You and your partner are planning an expedition into the mountains. You need to decide on two more members for your team. Read about the jobs each new member has to do and then decide who is best for the job.


The first member will plan the expedition and be responsible for all the supplies. This person should be easy-going, even-tempered, organised, sensible and bossy when necessary.

The second member will be responsible for social activities and keeping people happy and relaxed during the expedition. This person should be sociable, creative, adventurous and self-confident.


Malik Jones – ‘I love the mountains and love getting dirty. I like being with friends. I am not good at organising things but I have lots of ideas for games and activities. I am not very patient with people.’

Amanda Lloyd – ‘I am a little shy and sometimes find it hard to make friends. However, I always make sure to things get done. I am always well-prepared and never start something I cannot finish.’

Michal Tarkowski – ‘Some people say I am assertive. I don’t think so but I know how to do things. I can be friendly when necessary but I am also a good leader. I am full of energy and very serious about everything I do. Some people say I am disorganised but that’s not true. I always know where everything is.’

Yasemin Ogur – ‘I love an adventure! I am very keen to go on this expedition and look forward to making lots of new friends. I am reliable and fun but I do like time on my own too. Ask me to do anything and I will do it. I am very hard-working.’

B Role play

Work in pairs and conduct an interview for the job of teacher in a new school. Read your cards carefully.


You are interviewing Student B. Make sure you find out the following things:

What they studied at university, how long they have been a teacher, what subject they teach, what other jobs they have, why they left their old job, why they want the job, what they think their strong points /weak points are, what they can bring to the job, when they can start.


You are being interviewed for the job of teacher. Here is some extra information about you:

University: Leeds University, History and Economics

Teacher for five years (taught World History and Archaeology)

Three years at St John’s School (left for better job)

Two years at Highview School (moved town)

Why this job? Good money; heard good things about the school

Strong points: confident, full of energy

Weak points: untidy, sometimes late

Can bring to job: lot of experience

Can start after the summer

2 Writing

Write a compare and contrast essay on the title ‘When travelling, what is best, trains or planes?’ Use at least three of the following issues in your essay. You can add any other you can think of.

  • Speed

  • Price / value for money

  • Which is better for short or long distances

  • What you need to do before or after the journey (e.g. check-in)

  • Safety

  • Service on the journey

  • Comfort

  • Phobias (e.g. fear of flying)

(100-130 words)

Units 4-6