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Руководство по изучению электронного курса

Applying for a Job

Уважаемые студенты заочного отделения! Мы, авторы курса, предлагаем Вам электронное учебное пособие, которое представляет собой часть учебного материала для студентов экономических специальностей вузов. Нашей целью было создание эффективного и удобного в использовании средства обучения. Надеемся, что данный электронный курс поможет Вам овладеть навыками и умениями в составлении резюме, проведении интервью и т.п., необходимых при устройстве на работу, в т.ч. в инофирмы и совместные предприятия, где требуются специалисты со знанием английского языка.

Изучив данный материал, Вы будете:

- иметь представление о том, как составлять CV, резюме; как вести себя во время интервью и др.;

- уметь отвечать на типичные вопросы работодателей при устройстве на работу и задавать вопросы о предстоящей работе во время интервью, составлять и воспроизводить диалоги на тему трудоустройства

- выполнять творческие задания, а именно: составлять резюме, необходимое при устройстве на работу, составлять объявления о вакансиях и т.п.;

- понимать и вести беседу на темы трудоустройства.

Данный учебный материал состоит из 7 модулей, каждый из которых включает в себя текст и разнообразные упражнения с четко сформулированными заданиями. С целью более эффективного усвоения материала следует внимательно ознакомиться с представленной в модуле информацией и выполнить блок разнообразных упражнений на отработку и закрепление материала, а также заключительные задания творческого характера (составить резюме, CV и т.п.). В конце пособия имеется глоссарий на тему трудоустройства.

Курс рассчитан на 2 семестра –3 и 4 . В 3-м семестре следует проработать разделы 1, 2 и 3; в 4-м семестре - разделы 4 - 7. При составлении резюме (UNIT 1, ex.4) используйте образец, представленный в конце текста первого раздела. Вопросы можно задавать в режиме off-line по нижеприведенным адресам; в режиме on-line (чате) будем встречаться каждый 2 и 4 вторник месяца с 13.30 до 14.00 (для получения зачета нужно прислать выполненные Вами задания по e-mail, а также, соблюдая сетевой этикет, поучаствовать не менее, чем в двух чатах за семестр).

Обратная связь

Если у Вас возникнут какие-либо сложности в освоении курса ПОСЛЕ изучения всех рекомендаций, обращайтесь по следующим электронным адресам:


Успехов в обучении и до встречи в сети!

Cодержание работы

Unit I. General information( модуль 1)

Unit II. Job interview –dialogues( модуль 2)

Unit III. JOB ADVERTISMENT ( модуль 3)


Unit V. Interview producing( модуль 5)

Unit VI.applying- for- a- job pattern( модуль 6)

Unit VII. selecting a candidate( модуль 7)


Information sources

quality assessment block

Applying for a job

Unit I. General information

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

Every man has to work to provide a home, food and clothing for himself and his family. Every worker needs a job at a reasonable wage. There are very different jobs that a man can have. There are many different places where a man can work. If a person works at a plant or a factory he is usually called a worker. If a person works at an office he is usually called an employee. Workers get wages and employees get salaries. The general word for it is ‘pay’. If may be low or high. Each specific job requires specific education, skills, training and experience. Personal qualities are very important too.

The word ‘industry’ suggests the production of goods by mining and manufacture. The word ‘commerce’ suggests buying and selling, the exchange of goods between people, organizations and countries. The word ‘service’ suggests rendering people different services they need in their everyday life or business.

Firms, companies and organizations may be of different size, from large multinational corporations to small family businesses. They may be private or public; there may be leading, major or small firms. There are well-known long established firms and recently established businesses. There are new challenging ventures and rapidly expanding organizations.

Some companies specialize in some definite products or services. Other companies offer a wide range of products and new challenging ventures and rapidly expanding organizations.

People sometimes look through the recruitment pages in newspapers and bulletins without having taken a decision to change their job. Something might catch your eye if you are going through ‘wanted’ ads. What will it be?

Listed below are the characteristic features and conditions, usually found in the ads.

Future prospects.

Possibility of promotion\progression

Financial conditions and rewards.

Challenging responsibilities.

The size of the firm.

The standing of the firm (background information about the employer).

Social environment.

Extent of authority.

Possibility of travel

As a rule the ads ask for information on the applicants. The usual practice is to write out and send a CV (curriculum vitae). A CV gives detailed information about the candidate for a job may serve as an application form. Below you can see a sample of a CV.


First name

Date of birth

Place of birth

Marital status



John Phillip


New York


Mary, aged 5,

John, aged 2


Touro college MA, economics


Postgraduate course in management

Touro College, MCT 1992-1994

Present employment

Lecture in Economics, Touro University College 1999-present

Previous employment

Bear stern’s CPA, financial controller 1996-1999



To get more detailed information about the applicant the employer invites him for a job interview. The interviewers usually explain the future responsibilities to the applicant, define the financial conditions and test some personal and professional qualities of the candidate.

Ex. 2. Think and answer.

  1. What field would you like to be active in?

Give your reasons.

  1. Commercial B. Manufacturing C. Service are there any other fields that you know of?

  1. What kind of firm are you likely to be working at? Give your reasons.

  1. Small family business

  2. Multinational

  3. National

  4. Public\private business

  5. Long\recently established

  6. Rapidly expanding business

  7. Self employed

  1. What type and range of products or services would you like your organization to offer?

Ex. 3. The following questionnaire may help you decide what kind of job you would like to have. Go through it carefully, mark the answers that you agree with most and then identify the ideal job you’d like to have.

1. Would you prefer a job that was mostly deal with …

a) making with your hands?

b) sitting at a desk?

c) meeting people?

d) telling other people what to do?

2. Do you think of a job chiefly as...

a) a way of making money?

b) a means of fulfilling yourself?

c) doing things for people?

d) something else?

3. Is your job................. to you that your leisure time, family life, health?

a) more important

b) less important

c) most important at all

4. Do you choose your job because of ...

a) its interest?

b) the pay you get?

c) its value to society?

d) the opportunities to travel?

e) the prospects of promotion?

5. Should the pay for a job be based on ...

a) the value of the job for society?

b) the number of hours worked a week?

c) the amount of work produced?

d) the quality of work produced?

e) the number of subordinates?

f) the difficulties involved?

d) the level of education it requires?

6. How many hours a week should people work?

a) less than 30

b) from 30 to 40

c) from 40 to 50

d) more than 50

7. How long a holiday should people have?

a) two weeks

b) a month

c) two months

d) as long as they like (with no pay)

8. People should retire from work

a) at about 50

b) at about 60

c) at about 70

d) when they like

e) never

9. What are the reasons that make people consider changing jobs?

a) little pay

b) little spare lime

c) too much traveling

d) hard working conditions

e) too little independence

f) no prospect for promotion

g) bad relation with the boss

h) loss of interest for the job

Now carry out the questionnaire on some member of your class. Then try to describe the job that would be quite satisfying for him (her).

Ex. 4. Study the suggested application form carefully (see Ex. 1) and try to write out your own CV. www.educ.msu.edu

Unit II. Job interview –dialogues

Ex. 1. Read the dialogues given, try to make up your own.

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