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SmagulovaA. et al.

DriscollA., Jicha K., HungtA.,Tichavsky L.,Thompson G. (2012) Can online courses deliver in-class results?Acomparison of student performance and satisfaction in an on-line versus a face-to-face introductory sociology course// Teaching Sociology, 40(4), 312-331.

Berk R. (2012)Top 20 strategies to increase the on-line response rates of student rating scales// International journal ofTechnology in Teaching and Learning, 8(2), 98-107.

Artino A. (2010) On-line or face-to-face learning? Exploring the personal factors that predict students’ choice of instructional format// Internet and Higher education, 13, 272-276.

Lien O. (2012) Student evaluation of instruction// In the new paradigm of distance education. Research in Higher Education, 53, 471-486

DriscollA., Jicha K., HungtA.,Tichavsky L.,Thompson G. (2012) Can online courses deliver in-class results?Acomparison of student performance and satisfaction in an on-line versus a face-to-face introductory sociology course// Teaching Sociology, 40(4), 312-331.


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Lien O. (2012) Student evaluation of instruction: In the new paradigm of distance education. Research in Higher Education, 53, 471-486.

Driscoll A., Jicha K., Hungt A., Tichavsky L., Thompson G. (2012) Can online courses deliver in-class results? A comparison of student performance and satisfaction in an on-line versus a face-to-face introductory sociology course. Teaching Sociology, 40(4), 312-331.

Berk R. (2012) Top 20 strategies to increase the on-line response rates of student rating scales. International journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 8(2), 98-107.

Artino A. (2010) On-line or face-to-face learning? Exploring the personal factors that predict students’ choice of instructional format. Internet and Higher education, 13, 272-276.

Lien O. (2012) Student evaluation of instruction: In the new paradigm of distance education. Research in Higher Education, 53, 471-486

Driscoll A., Jicha K., Hungt A., Tichavsky L., Thompson G. (2012) Can online courses deliver in-class results? A comparison ofstudentperformanceandsatisfactioninanon-lineversusaface-to-faceintroductorysociologycourse//TeachingSociology,40(4), 312-331.

ISSN 1563-0285

International relations and international law journal. №4 (84). 2018







Рaздел 1



Халықаралық қатынастар

Актуальные вопросы



және дипломатияның

международных отношений



өзекті мәселелері

и дипломатии


Jurčík Petr, Gubaidullina M.Sh.



Formation of Czech-Slovak Relations during the 25 years after the division of the federation.......................................................


Chabal P., Baizakova К., Utegenova А., Alipkyzy R.



Potential of Cultural Heritage Sites for Introduction of Global Citizenship Education in Kazakhstan............................................


Zhekenov D., Makisheva M., Aznabakiyeva A.



Anew globalization from the East....................................................................................................................................................



Кожухова М.М., Жанбулатова Р.С., Жиенбаев М.Б.



Генезис энергетической политики Европейского Союза.............................................................................................................





Рaздел 2



Қауіпсіздік және

Вопросы безопасности



халықаралық мәселелер

и международного права


Букенбаев Р., Ахметов Е.



К вопросу о перспективах укрепления международной системы защиты прав человека в межамериканском регионе


(на примере анализа деятельности Организации американских государств) ...........................................................................


Зенин И.А., Амангельды А.А.



Договоры об интеллектуальных правах по законодательству Российской Федерации и Республики Казахстан..................


Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh.



Disputes in the WTO with participation of the member countries of the Eurasian economic union................................................


Татаринова Л.Ф.




Проблемы определения правовой природы информационного терроризма.............................................................................


Nurmukhankyzy D., Ayanbayev Ye., Begzhan A.



TheAnalysis of WTO mandatory and facultativeAgreements:Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)


and Government Procurement...........................................................................................................................................................





Рaздел 3



Әлемдік экономиканың

Актуальные вопросы



өзекті мәселелері

мировой экономики


Melnikova J., Zaščerinska J.



Fostering the integration of immigrants and asylum seekers into labour market in Baltic countries: opportunities of digital






Балгабаева З.Б., Еримпашева А.Т.



Национальная идентичность казахстанских брендов в условиях глобализации......................................................................


Bekmukhametova A.B., Zhong Chunmei.



Economic Belt of the Silk Way: opportunities and prospects for Kazakhstan..................................................................................




Рaздел 4



Мәдениет және

Вопросы культуры



білім мәселелері

и образования


Мустафаева Т.




Проблема культурного наследия в процессе глобализации ......................................................................................................



Smagulova A., Bakitov A., Matkerimova R.



The concept of communicative qualifications and its basic components..........................................................................................



Хабаршы. Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы. №4 (84). 2018




Section 1


Actual issues of


international relations and diplomacy


Jurčík Petr, Gubaidullina M.Sh.


Formation of Czech-Slovak Relations during the 25 years after the division of the federation.......................................................


Chabal P., Baizakova К., Utegenova А., Alipkyzy R.


Potential of Cultural Heritage Sites for Introduction of Global Citizenship Education in Kazakhstan............................................


Zhekenov D., Makisheva M., Aznabakiyeva A.


Anew globalization from the East....................................................................................................................................................


Kozhukhova M., Zhanbulatova R.2, Zhiyenbayev M.3


Genesis of the European Union energy policy..................................................................................................................................


Section 2


Issues of security and


international law


Bukenbayev R., Akhmetov Y.


On the issue of prospects for strengthening the international system for the protection of human rights in the inter-American


region (on the example of the analysis of the activities of the Organization ofAmerican States)....................................................


Zenin I.A., Amangeldy A.A.


Contracts intellectual property rights according to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan......


Baimagambetova Z.M., Gabdulina A.Zh.


Disputes in the WTO with participation of the member countries of the Eurasian economic union................................................


Tatarinova L.F.


Problems of determining the legal nature of information terrorism..................................................................................................


Nurmukhankyzy D., Ayanbayev Ye., Begzhan A.


TheAnalysis of WTO mandatory and facultativeAgreements:Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)


and Government Procurement...........................................................................................................................................................


Section 3


Actual issues


of world economy


Melnikova J., Zaščerinska J.


Fostering the integration of immigrants and asylum seekers into labour market in Baltic countries: opportunities of digital




Balgabayeva Z.B., Yerimpasheva A.T.


Kazakhstan brands National identity in the context of globalization................................................................................................


Bekmukhametova A.B., Zhong Chunmei.


Economic Belt of the Silk Way: opportunities and prospects for Kazakhstan..................................................................................


Section 4


Cultural and


educational issues


Mustafayeva T.


The process of globalization and cultural heritage issues.................................................................................................................


Smagulova A., Bakitov A., Matkerimova R.


The concept of communicative qualifications and its basic components..........................................................................................


ISSN 1563-0285

International relations and international law journal. №4 (84). 2018


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