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Портфолио по дисциплине Лексикология

1.9 Mб

Модуль 3


Task I. Fill in the gaps in the following definitions

1.The smallest meaningful unit of form is the morpheme.

2.A derivational pattern is a regular meaningful arrangement, a structure that imposes rigid rules on the order and the nature of the derivational bases and

affixes that may be brought together.

3.Morpheme variants are called allomorphs

4.Affixes are divided into prefixes and suffixes.

5.Radicals are the lexical nucleus of words.

6.A free morpheme is defined as one that coincides with the stem or a word-form.

7.Stems formed by combining two free stems are called compound stems.

8.Stems, which are semantically or structurally motivated formed by means of different word-building processes such as affixation, conversion, abbreviation, types of shortenings are called derived stems.

9.A prefix is a derivational morpheme preceding the root-morpheme and modifying its lexical meaning.

10.A structural word-formation analysis studies the structural correlation with other words, the structural patterns or rules on which words are built.







Task I. Determine the number of morphemes in each














adverb: consists of 3 morphemes: 1 free root-





morpheme marvel, the derivational suffix –ous


1 .

Marvelously - 3


and the derivational suffix –ly.





noun: consists of 2 free root morphemes new and





com, the derivational suffix –er and the functional



Newcomers - 4


suffix –s.





adjective: consists of 3 morphemes: 1 root





morpheme differ, the derivational suffix –ent and



Indifferent - 3


the derivational prefix in-.





adverb: consists of 4 morphemes: 3 free root





morphemes not, with, stand and the derivation



Notwithstanding - 4

suffix -ing.





noun: consists of 4 morphemes: 1 free root-





morpheme interest, the derivational prefix dis-



Disinterestedness - 4

and 2 derivational suffixes –ed and –ness.



noun: consists of 2 free root morphemes: cup and


Cupboard -




noun: consists of 2 morphemes: 1 bound root


Theory - free

morpheme theor and 1 derivational suffix –y.



noun: consists of 1 free root morpheme sheep. It


Sheep – 1 free

is zero plural.


Boxes – non-root

noun: consists of 2 morphemes: box is a root


(funct. Suffix)

stem, -es is a functional suffix.



noun: consists of 2 morphemes: free root


Children – 1 free

morpheme child and the functional suffix –ren.

Task II. Carry out the morphemic analysis and the word formation analysis of the following words:



verb: consists of 2 morphemes: 1 free root



morpheme view and the derivational prefix inter.



The word is built from the noun stem interview by



means of conversion. The derivational pattern is

1 .

to interview




verb: consists of 3 morphemes: 1 free root



morpheme modern, the derivational suffix –ize and



the derivational prefix re. The word is built from the



verbal derived stem modernize + prefix re. The


to re-modernize

derivational pattern is re+V.



participle II : consists of 4 morphemes: 2 free root



morphemes wide and eat and 2 derivational



suffixes –ly. The word is built from 2 free stems:



derived stem widely + derived stem eaten by



means of composition. The derivational pattern is






noun: consists of 2 free root morphemes: get and



away, The words is built from the phraseological



unit to get away by means of conversion. The



derivational pattern is VN.



participle II: consists of 3 morphemes: 2 free root



morphemes snow and cover and the derivational



suffix –ed. The word is built from 2 free stems: root



stem snow + derived stem covered by means of



composition. The derivational pattern is N+PartII.



verb: consists of 2 free root morphemes house and



keep. The word is built from compound derivative



stem house keeper by means of back formation.


to housekeep

The derivational pattern is NV.



adjective: consists of 3 morphemes: 1 free root



morpheme think, the derivational suffix –able and



the derivational prefix un. The word is built from



adjectival derivative stem thinkable + suffix –un by



means of prefiixation. The derivational pattern is






noun: consists of 3 morphemes: 1 free root



morpheme bak, the derivational suffix –er and the



functional suffix –s. The word is built fro, the root



stem bake + suffix –er by means of suffixation. The



derivational pattern is V+er.



noun: consists of 4 morphemes: 1 free root



morpheme, the derivational prefix on, the



derivational suffix –er and the functional suffix –s.



The noun is built from nominal derived stem looker



+ prefix on by means of prefixation. The



derivational pattern is on+N.



adverb: consists of 4 morphemes: 2 free root



morphemes whole and heart and 2 derivational



suffixes –ed and –ly. The adverb is built from the



adjectival compound derivied stem wholehearted +



suffix –ly by means of suffixation. The derivational



pattern is Adj+ly.

Модуль 4


Task I. Give structural formulas of the following words: Classify the words into: 1) suffixation; 2) prefixation; 3) conversion; 4) compounding

Model: blackness - structural formular A+-suf—*N - suffixation

1.to paper – structural formula N →V - conversion

2.speechless – structural formula N + Suffix →Adj. - suffixation

3.pen – holder – structural formula N+N→N - compounding

4.irreplaceable – structural formula prefix. + Adj. - prefixation

5.nothingness – structural formula pronoun + suffix. –ness →N - suffixation

6.age – long – structural formula → N + Adj → Adj - compounding

7.ex - housewife – structural formula → prefix ex- + N→N - prefixation

8.wind-driven– structural formula N+ Part II→PartII - compounding

9.independence– structural formula Adj+ prefix in-→N – prefixation

10.sharpen– structural formula Adj + -suf –en →V - suffixation

Task II. Define the type of conversion;

1)the poor - subsantivation (Adj→N)

2)to callgirl - verbalization (N→V)

3)a professional - substantivation (Adj→N)

4)a breakdown - conversion

5)must - conversion

6)to eye - verbalization (N→V)


Task I. In accordance with the part that is cut off to form a new word classify cases of shortening into four groups: 4) initial shortenings (aphesis); 2) medial shortenings (syncope): 3) final shortenings (apocope); 4) both initial and final shortenings.

net < internet

The initial part of the original word is cut off.- Consequently, the new word refers to the first group.

Hols < holidaysthe middle part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the second group; vac < vacuum cleaner - the final part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the third group; tec < detective – both initial and final part of the original word are cut off. Consequently,

the new word refers to the fourth group; plane < aeroplane - the initial part of the

original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group; Frisco < (San) Francisco the middle part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the

new word refers to the second group; quiz< inquisitive both initial and final part of the original word are cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the fourth group; bus < omnibus - the initial part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group; curio < curiosity - the final part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the third group; miss < mistress – the middle part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the second group; sport < disport - the initial part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group; soccer < Association Football – both initial and final part of the original word are cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the fourth group; fan < fanatic - the final part of the original

word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the third group; circs < circumstances – the middle part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the second group; chute < parachute - the initial part of the

original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group; Aline < Adeline – the middle part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the second group; cert < certainty - the final part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the third group; tend < attend - the initial part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group; mart < market – the middle part of the original word is cut off.

Consequently, the new word refers to the second group; coke < coca-cola – the final part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the third group; Liz < Elizabeth – both initial and final part of the original word are cut

off. Consequently, the new word refers to the fourth group; prep-school < preparatory-school – the middle part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the second group; gator < alligator - the initial part of the

original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the first group; cuss <

customer - the final part of the original word is cut off. Consequently, the new word refers to the third group.

Task II. Analyse the structure of the following compounds and classify them into coordinative and subordinate, syntactic and asyntactic:

bookbinder(sub., synt.), doorbell (sub., synt.), key-note (sub., synt.), knife-and-fork (coord., synt.), hot-tempered (sub., asynt.), dry-clean (sub., asynt.), care-free (sub., synt.), policy-maker (sub., synt.), mad-brained (sub., asynt.), five-fold (sub., asynt.), two-faced (sub., asynt.), body-guard (sub., synt.), do-it-yourself (sub., synt.), boogiewoogie (coord., synt.), officer-director (coord., synt.), driver-collector (coord., synt.), building-site (sub., synt.).

Task III. Classify the compound words in the following sentences into compounds proper and derivational compounds:

1)She is not a mind-reader. (comp. proper)

2)He was wearing a brand-new o\ereoat and hat. (comp. proper)

3)She never said she was homesick. (comp. proper)

4)He took the hours-old dish away. (comp. proper)

5)She was a frank-mannered, talkative young lady. (derivational compound)

6)The live years of her husband's newspaper-ownership had familiarised her almost unconsciously with many of the mechanical aspects of a newspaper printing-shop. (derivational compound)

Task IV. Supply the corresponding full names for the given abbreviations of American state (e.g. Colo - Colourado) and so:

Ala., Cal., Fla., Ga., III., Ind., Kan., Ken., Md., N.D., NJ, NY, Oreg., S.C.,


Ala – Alabama

Ind – Indiana

NJ – New Jersey

Cal – California

Kan – Kansas

NY – New York

Fla – Florida

Ken – Kentucky

Oreg - Oregon

Ga – Georgia

Md – Maryland

S.C. – South Carolina

III – Illinois

N.D. – North Dakota

Tex – Texas