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Девиз – Citius, Altius, Fortius (быстрее, выше, сильнее). Флаг – белое полотнище с олимпийскими кольцами, с 1920 г. поднимается на всех Играх.

Согласно хартии, Игры являются соревнованиями между отдельными спортсменами, а не между национальными командами. Однако с 1908 г.получил распространение неофициальный общекомандный зачёт. Звание олимпийского чемпиона является наиболее почётным и желанным в карьере спортсмена в тех видах спорта, по которым проводятся олимпийские турниры. Исключением является футбол, так как звание чемпиона мира в этом виде спорта гораздо престижнее.

(Abridged and edited from: http://olimp-history.ru/ https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Олимпийские_игры)

2.Work in two groups. One group should make up 10 questions in English about the Olympic Games. The other group should make 10 questions in Russian about the Olympic Games. Get into pairs with a partner from the other group, ask each other the questions: if you ask your partner the questions in English, he/she should answer in Russian and vice versa.

3.Over the recent years the Olympic Games and the Olympic movement have been criticized a lot and associated with lots of problems and scandals. Can you name those recent most important problems and issues? What have you heard of them? Search the news and sports sites or other media.

Complete the table by using the information from the text for the left-hand column and the information you have found or you know for the right-hand column.

Burning Olympic Issues/Problems

Recent Olympic Issues/Problems

of the 20th century

Olympic Issues

Problems. Every individual, family, community and nation has them. Well… so does the Olympic movement. Three major issues in particular have caused trouble over the recent years. In this report, we explore their background and effects.

Politics. Olympism is a symbol of peace, harmony and friendship. During the ancient Games there was always a truce in any Greek war. In the 20th century, politics though played an active and sometimes deadly role in the Olympic movement. Here are some examples:

The 1916 games were cancelled because of the World War One.

Adolf Hitler used Berlin’s 1936 Olympics to promote the Nazi party.

The 1940 and ‘44 Games were cancelled because of World War Two.

South Africa suffered a long ban from the Olympics, starting in 1964, because of its apartheid system.

In 1972 Arab terrorists murdered eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich



Fifty non-Communist nations boycotted the Moscow Games in 1980 in protest at the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan.

Four years later, there was a boycott of the Los Angeles Games by almost the entire Communist world.

One reason for events like the ones above is Olympic sport’s popularity. It’s focus for the entire world. What bigger stage (or audience) could there be for acts of terrorism or protest?

And yet the Olympic flame burns. Political problems come and go but the Games continue, because that’s what the vast majority of people want. As ex-

IOC president Lord Killanin once said: “The Olympic Games must not be used for political purposes … the Olympic Games are for the benefit of our children.”

Money. There are no financial prizes at the Olympics, but money is still a major Olympic issue. There are two reasons for this. One is the huge cost of each modern Games. In the past, some cities have lost millions. Recently that’s changed. Even so, Olympic cities always have to spend huge sums before they earn anything back. This fact limits the number of places that can afford to hold the Games.

And then there’s the question of money and competitors. These days, many top athletes are professionals. Sport is their job and they’re well paid. But at the Olympics everyone is supposed to be an amateur. Because of this, there are complex rules about athletes’ earnings. It’s OK for them to be paid at nonOlympic events, but they can’t spend the money like a normal salary. Instead, they must put the money in a special fund and only use it for travel expenses and training costs. Some people think this is a clear, acceptable answer to the Olympic Games’ “amateurs only” rule, but to others it’s ridiculous. In their view it’s time for the IOC to recognise modern realities. Many sportsmen and women are professionals. Why should that stop them competing at the world’s number one sports festival?

Drugs. The third major Olympic issue is drugs – but not the cocaine or heroin kind. These are different drugs which athletes use to make them stronger and faster. One of the biggest shocks of the ‘88 Games in Seoul came after the men’s 100m final. Tests showed that the winner – Canada’s ben Johnson – had traces of illegal drugs called “steroids” in his blood. As a result … he lost his gold medal, he was sent home in disgrace, he was banned from international athletics for two years.

Since 1988, dozens of stars have taken part in anti-drugs campaigns. The results?

1. More tests.

2. Longer bans.

3. Higher fines.

Even so, the drugs problem still exists – nobody pretends it doesn’t.

(Abridged from: “Modern Issues”. P. 14–15)


4. Discussion.

Comment on the ideas expressed in each of the above statements, explaining which, if any, you agree with and why. You may wish to consider the following points in reference to the statements:

1.The Olympic Games embody the ancient philosophy of a healthy mind in a healthy body.

2.The Olympics are a potent force for peace in the world.

3.The Olympic Games are a complete waste of money. drug scandals;

the cost of building the infrastructure needed to host the Olympics (stadiums, hotels, transport systems, etc.);

the money earned by medallists for advertising and endorsing products;

the benefits of hosting the Olympics (increased revenue from tourism, improved sport facilities for later use by residents, etc.);

the bribery scandals associated with corrupt Olympic officials.

What do you think can/should be done to address all of the issues the Olympic movement is facing today? Brainstorm the ideas in groups and then share yours ideas with other students.

5.What sporting events are held in your city? Do you ever participate in them? Are they popular with the people in your city? Are they known worldwide?

6.Read aloud the text below and translate the Russian words and phrases in it.

The Festival of the North

Each spring, for some sixty-odd years now, the cream of Russian спортивная жизнь converge on cities and towns in the sub-Arctic regions of Russia to take part in a grand event arranged to “see off” the winter спортивный се-

зон. On the bill of fare, besides popular festivities and amateur art shows are

лыжный спорт, слалом, биатлон (skiing and shooting), хоккей с шайбой,

фигурное катание, group parachute jumping and last, but certainly not least,

гонки на оленьих упряжках.

Back in the 1920s, it was, of course, Leningrad that was the main mecca for Soviet sportsmen in Northern Russia, with the numerous sports clubs at the city’s largest enterprises bringing forth a plethora of top-notch спортсменов.

As was only natural, they enthusiastically volunteered to instruct будущих спортсменов in Murmansk (up north in the Kola Peninsula), a major port which has close ties with the country’s Northern metropolis. However, at the time, in the mid-1920s, the various соревнования featured mostly skiing, skating, ice hockey, rowing, soccer, lapta, the Russian game of rounders, gorodki, another typically Russian game which but faintly resembles skittles, тяжелая атлетика, acrobatics and гимнастика, were all confined to Murmansk and its environs. In such sub-Arctic climes, skiing was, and is, the most popular


sport, whose traditions were promoted by such stars as Georgi Abramov, Alexei Lopintsev, the Sintsov brothers, Alexander and Pavel, Semyon Kuleshov and Leonid Frolov, to mention but several.

In fact, it was these men who got the Festival of the North, otherwise known today as the Polar Olympics, going, with 86 лыжников competing in Murmansk on March 30, 1934, the day that is now officially recognized as that of the very first such event. A mere four years later, in addition to skiers from Leningrad, Moscow, Petrozavodsk in Karelia, Vologda in Northern Russia and the Volga city of Gorky, Murmansk hosted the first foreign entrant. In fact, the skiing соревнования, which were partly militarized, proved highly valuable for training those future army battalions which harassed Nazi troops and were dubbed in fright the “Russian whippets”. Incidentally, during the past the Festival of the North was one of the few спортивных соревнований held in the Soviet Union, with participants skiing in from the front lines and returning the moment the events ended.

Nowadays the Festival of the North takes off from Comfort Valley (Dolina Uyuta), a beauty spot in the environs of Murmansk, where special up-to-date оборудование have been built for skiers as well as firing ranges for competitions in the biathlon which, incidentally, was incorporated in the programme, when the Festival of the North was included in the international calendar of спортивных событий in 1970. Participants currently include skiers from such countries among others as Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United States.

While such typically national events as гонки на оленьих упряжках and reindeer skier-towing attract fascinated interest, the highlight is the marathon along the ski runs of Comfort Valley.

In short, today the Festival of the North is a truly grand event that leads off with a spectacular церемония открытия, and features besides the actual contests, amateur art shows and recitals, youth carnivals, dancing, get-togethers with Festival veterans and звёзды спорта and numerous other entertainments that are brought to TV and radio audiences all over Russia.

Alla Veviorskaya

(From: “Sport. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи”. C. 73–74)

7. Read the Russian text below about the Festival of the North, translate it and answer the questions in English. Have you learnt anything new about the Festival?

1.When is the Festival of the North traditionally held?

2.What is another name for the Festival of the North?

3.Who usually takes part in the Festival of the North?

4.When was the first festival held? What winter sports did the programme include?

5.What kinds of sport are traditionally included into the programme of the Festival of the North?


6.Where are most of the sporting events within the programme of the Festival held?

7.Does the programme of the Festival include any of the extreme/new kinds of sport? What are they?

8.What traditions are connected with the celebration of the Festival?

9.What is the Barents Ski Race (or “Ski track of Friendship” as it is called in Russian)?

Праздник Севера


(неофициальное название –

) –

спортивные соревнования по зимним видам спорта, проводящиеся ежегодно в начале весны (март-апрель) в Мурманской области. Соревнования проводятся среди участников из разных стран, как любителей, так и профессионалов.

Начало традиции было положено 30 марта 1934 г., соревнования проводились только среди лыжников. На первом Празднике Севера состязались 86 лыжников из пяти городов России – Мурманска, Ленинграда, Москвы, Петрозаводска и Вологды, – участвовавших как в классических лыжных гонках, так и в массовых кроссах и специальных соревнованиях по военизированной программе, объединявшей лыжные гонки со стрельбой, своеобразное подобие биатлона.

В1937 г. в список проводимых на празднике соревнований были включены гонки на оленьих упряжках, проводящиеся и в наше время, и горнолыжный слалом. С 1939 г. начали проводиться соревнования по хоккею с мячом среди мужчин, а в 1962 г. к проводимым видам спорта добавился хоккей с шайбой. С 1971 г. ареной состязаний стало и небо – парашютисты совершили одиночные и групповые прыжки на точность приземления.

В1970 г. Праздник Севера был присоединён к календарю международных спортивных мероприятий, что сильно повлияло на его популярность. На Полярную Олимпиаду приезжали участники из Болгарии, Венгрии, ГДР, Польши, Чехословакии, Италии, Норвегии, ФРГ, Швеции, Финляндии, США, Южной Кореи и многих других стран мира.

С 1984 г. Праздник Севера перенял у Олимпийских игр традицию олимпийского огня, зажигаемого с тех пор на Центральном стадионе Мурманска. В этот год на Центральном стадионе Мурманска впервые в истории Полярной Олимпиады вспыхнул огонь. Церемонии торжественного открытия и закрытия Праздника Севера проводятся на площади Пяти Углов – центральной площади Мурманска. В Мурманске открыт Музей истории Полярных Олимпиад. С 1960 г. проводится Праздник Севера учащихся.

Впоследние годы всё популярней становятся соревнования по экстремальным видам спорта: скалолазание, зимний кайтинг, зимний винд-


сёрфинг и т.п. Из других нетрадиционных видов спорта можно отметить футбол на снегу, зимнее плавание и соревнования по лову рыбы зимними удочками. На 70-й олимпиаде в 2004 г. были проведены также соревнования по зимнему спортивному ориентированию, ледовых гонках на автомобилях, натурбану, авиамодельному спорту и мотокроссу.

Изначально Праздники проходили в пределах Мурманска. С повышением интереса и количества участников место проведения Олимпиады было перенесено в Долину Уюта – спортивный комплекс и лесной массив в Первомайском округе Мурманска. Часть соревнований проводятся за пределами города или в других городах области (Апатиты, Кировск, Полярные Зори, Раякоски и другие).

Ещё одной примечательной составляющей Праздника Севера является так называемая Лыжня дружбы (Раякоски) – лыжные гонки, проходящие по территории трёх государств – России, Норвегии и Финляндии и стартующие в Раякоски – небольшом посёлке на самой границе России и Норвегии. Лыжня дружбы проводится ежегодно с 1994 г., участие в ней может принять как профессиональный лыжник, так и любитель. Причём каких-либо виз и загранпаспортов для участия в забеге не нужно. Мероприятие привлекает каждый год много участников.

Лыжный марафон Праздника Севера является одним из самых массовых в России и входит в ассоциации Russialoppet, Союз марафонов «Лыжная Россия» и европейскую Euroloppet (c 1998 по 2009 г. и с 2015).

(По материалам: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Праздник_Севера, http://lexicon.dobrohot.org/index.php/ПРАЗДНИК_СЕВЕРА)

8. What kind of information in the Russian text echoes the information in the English text? What kind of information is given only in the Russian/English text?

III. On Your Own

Make a report about any of the grand sporting events/ventures.

Make a plan for the report. Present your report in the class. Ask your group mates to sum up the key information in Russian.


(from page 44)

1.a tournament турнир

2.Go! Марш! (обычно выстрел)

3.a meet встреча

4.qualify for the final(s) попасть в финал.

5.a round robin competition соревнования по круговой системе

6.a cup кубковая встреча

7.a contest состязания

8.a challenge cup переходящий приз

9.a junior team команда юниоров


10.a championship первенство

11.an exhibition meet показательная встреча

12.On your marks! На старт!

13.participate hors concours выступать вне конкурса

14.a World Cup соревнования на кубок мира

15.a competition соревнования

16.a qualification competition квалификационные соревнования

17.an opening ceremony церемония открытия

18.a supporter болельщик

19.Go! Марш! (обычно выстрел)

20.students’ games студенческие игры


Module 5


I. Lead-in.

Discuss the following questions in the group:

1.Who is more often described as a sporting nation: the British, the Americans or the Russians? What do you judge by? Give reasons.

2.Which sport/sports are usually associated with the UK, USA and Russia? Why?

3.Can you name any world famous Russian, English and American sportsmen?

II. Focus on Vocabulary.

1. Translate the successions of the words in reference to Sport after the teacher.

1.Parallel bars, club, javelin, puck, hurdle, scoreboard , goggles.

2.Болельщики, хоккей с шайбой, выступать вне конкурса, прыжки с шестом, бег с препятствиями, гребля.

Make similar successions of words on Sport. Work in pairs. Read them to each other and ask your partner to translate them after you.

2. Cover the right hand column and translate at sight the extracts in the left hand column. Uncover the right hand column and compare your translation with the one given. Which is better? Is there anything in it that you would like to correct?

Спорт в России всегда был и остается по-

Sport in Russia has always been popu-

пулярным. Наверное, более половины

lar. Perhaps more than a half of Rus-

русских в детстве пробовали себя в ка-

sians have tried some kind of sport in

ком-либо виде спорта.

their childhood.

Так какие же виды спорта наиболее раз-

So which sports are better developed in

виты в России? Здесь можно заметить

Russia? Here can be seen the following

следующую закономерность. Россия, как

pattern. Russia, as a rule, has good re-

правило, обладает хорошими результата-

sults in classical kinds of sport. This is

ми в классических видах спорта. Это в

in some ways connected with the peri-

какой-то степени связано с периодом Со-

od of Soviet Union when big attention

ветского Союза, когда физическому вос-

was paid to physical education of the

питанию молодежи уделялось большое




В современных же видах русские немного

In modern kinds of sport Russians lag

отстают от своих соперников. Сюда мож-

behind their contenders a little. We can

но отнести керлинг, прыжки с трамплина

refer here curling, springboard jumping

и так далее.


Большую популярность в стране приоб-

Tennis has a large popularity Today

рел теннис. Сегодня российские тенниси-

Russian tennis players are famous all

сты известны всему миру. Шарапова,

over the world. Sharapova, Kurnikova,

Курникова, Кафельников, Мыскина – вот

Kafelnikov, Miskina are only the best


лишь самые знаменитые русские тенни-

known Russian tennis players. They

систы. Они прекрасно выступают на

play wonderfully at Wimbledon and

Уимблдоне и других соревнованиях.

other competitions.

Хоккей – еще один успешный вид спорта

Ice-hockey is another one successful

в стране. Российская команда занимает

sport in the country. The Russian team

достойные позиции на соревнованиях.

takes worthy places in competitions.

Здесь также сохранились традиции совет-

The traditions of Soviet school are kept

ской школы. Хотя, к сожалению, она уже

here too. Though unfortunately it isn’t

далеко не так сильна как раньше. В СССР

as strong as in the past. In USSR there

был период, когда сборная по хоккею вы-

was a period when hockey team won 9

играла сразу 9 мировых чемпионатов

world championships in a row. Fur-

подряд. Кроме того, есть только два хок-

thermore, there are only 2 hockey play-

кеиста, которые становились победите-

ers which became championship win-

лями чемпионата мира 10 раз. Это рус-

ners 10 times. These are Russian

ские спортсмены Александр Рагулин и,

sportsmen Alexander Rogulin and of

конечно же, Владислав Третьяк. В на-

course Vladislav Tretyak. Nowadays

стоящее время в российском хоккее также

there are also good players in Russian

есть хорошие игроки. Многие из них се-

hockey. Many of them train in NHL.

годня тренируются в НХЛ.


Другой спортивной игрой, распростра-

Another sport which is widespread in

ненной в стране, является футбол. К со-

the country is football. Unfortunately,

жалению, Россия давно не получала на-

Russia hasn’t got any prizes in this

град в этом виде спорта. Интересной осо-

kind of sport for a long time. An inter-

бенностью российского футбола является

esting peculiarity of Russian football is

его многонациональный состав. Спартак,

its multinational compound. Spartak,

ЦСКА, Зенит, Локомотив – названия наи-

TsSKA, Zenit, Locomotive are names

более известных футбольных клубов.

of best known football clubs.

Ну и конечно любимым видом спорта

And of course the favorite sport of

многих женщин является фигурное ката-

many women is figure skating. This is

ние. Это очень красивое зрелище. И здесь

a very beautiful show. And here Russia

Россия пока является лидером. Хотя в по-

is still the leader. Though it has had

следние годы у нее появились очень дос-

very worthy rivals in the last years. For

тойные конкуренты. Например, китай-

example Chinese sportsmen have good

ские спортсмены имеют большие пер-

perspective. But Russian figure skaters

спективы. Но российские фигуристы се-

today are favorites at any competition.

годня являются фаворитами любых со-

Besides new ice rinks are opened in the

ревнований. Кроме того, в стране откры-

country, parents take their children to

ваются новые катки, родители отдают де-

sport schools.

тей в спортивные школы.


Вообще в России популярны многие виды

Actually many kinds of sport are popu-

спорта. Причем как на профессиональ-

lar in Russia. Both on a professional

ном, так и на любительском уровнях.

level and on an amateur one. Ski sport

Примером таких видов спорта являются

and volleyball are good examples here.

лыжный спорт и волейбол.


(Abridged and edited from: http://www.russianlessons.net/articles/russiansport.php)


3. “Snowball”.

Repeat each line after the teacher. Then translate every sentence.

The Boat Race

The Boat Race, which is considered a national festival in England, is the race between eight-oared crews from Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The race first took place in 1820 and except for the years of war, has been rowed on the Thames every year since 1836. The course is from Putney to Mortlane, a distance of four and a half miles. Boat Race Day provides annually one of the best sights of London on the river. Before the race all traffic on the river is stopped; crowds throng the banks, and thousands are wearing the colours, light or dark blue, of rival eights. No prize in the shape of a cup of any kind awaits the winners. For weeks there has been strenuous competition on the Isis and the Cam to decide who shall form the crew. The day arrives, sixteen young men do their best to win the rowing race, and in twenty minutes one of the crews has won and all is over for another year.

(Abridged from: “Sport. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи”. C. 29–31)

4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with articles if necessary.

Derby Races

___greatest horse race is considered ___ Derby Race. It got its name from

___ Lord Derby, whose house stood on ___ high ground above ___ town of Epsom. ___ race was first run on ___ Epsom course in 1780. Ever since ___ Derby Race has been run at Epsom annually save for ___ interruptions of ___ European wars.

Derby week is ___ national festival. ___ vast crowd gathers on ___ hill opposite ___ Grand Stand. ___ jockeys’ silk jackets flash in ___ June sunshine,

___ spectators hush to silence before ___ start for ___ race, shout as ___ horses are off, roar as they rush forward, as ___ leader drops back, as ___ winner shoots out.

___ fashions in dress have changed, ___ cars have taken ___ place of ___

coaches and ___ carriages, but ___ men and women remain ___ same as they were more than two centuries ago.

___ crowds of ___ people move out on ___ turf of ___ course as ___ great race once more is finished and over for ___ year.

(From: “Sport. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи”. C. 29–31)

III. Focus on Reading and Speaking.


1. Before reading the text about sport in Britain, work in pairs and see, if you can paraphrase by ear some of the sentences that come from the text.

Student A: Cover the right-hand column. Read the information to Student B. Look up as much as possible when you speak.


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