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Barnhart C.L., Steinmetz, Sol, Barnhart R.K. The Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English. 1973-1979. N.Y., 1980.

Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary / Ed. by W. Geddie. Edinburgh — London, 1958. (First publ. in 1901.)

The Heritage Illustrated Dictionary of the English Language/Ed. by W. Morris. N.Y., 1975. Hornby A.S. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English . London, 1974.

Jones, Daniel. Everyman’s English Pronouncing Dictionary. 1 1 th ed. London — New York, 1963. (First publ. in 1917.)

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. London, 1978.

Random House Dictionary of the English Language. The unabridged edition / Ed. by J. Stein. N.Y., 1971.”

Webster’s New World Dictionary of American Language. N.Y., 1978.

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Springfield, Mass., 1961.

Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language. Pocket size edition/ Ed. by D.B. Guralnik. N.Y., 1977.



Abbreviation 142-145 Ablaut combinations 130

Ablaut or vowel gradation 146 Abstracted forms 106, 218, 219 Acronyms 142-145, 218

Adaptive system 10ff, 21, 143, 216ff: see System, lexical adaptive

Affixes 77-107 Allomorphs 101, 102 Amelioration 70 American English 265-270

Antonyms 182, 201, 209-215 antonyms, absolute 209ff antonyms derivational 209ff

Aphaeresis, aphesis 138 Apocope 138

Archaic words 205, 220 Assimilation of loan words 255-259

Assimilation of synonyms 205, 255-259 Australian variant 270, 271

Back-formation 127, 150-152 Bahuvrihi 123, 125 Barbarism 256, 258

Basic form 153, 185 Bias words 49

Blends, blending 141, 142

Borrowing, borrowed affixes and words: see Loan words Bound forms

77, 80

Boundary cases 102, 103, 121

Canadianism 270

Cliché 179-181 Clipping: see Shortening Cockney 262, 263 Cognate words 79ff

Colloquial words 145, 245-249 Combinations, phraseological 170, 171 Combining forms 80, 104-106 Combining power 194; see also Valency Complementary distribution 101ff Componential analysis 41, 57-59 Compounds 78, 108-152

Compound adjectives 125, 126 Compound derivatives: see Derivational

compounds Compound nouns 123-125


Compound verbs 126, 127 Compounds, asyntactic 111

Compounds, endocentric and exocentric 111, 123ff

Compounds, syntactic 111

Connotation and connotative meaning 4050, 97, 177, 230-238, 251

Contextual analysis 56, 57

Contrastive and contrary notions 209ff Conversion 18, 153-164

Conversives 73, 209-215

Correlation of oppositions 26, 81, 111 Curtailment 134

Dead suffixes 100

Degradation of meaning: see Pejoration Demotivation 132

Denotative meaning 40, 47-50 Derivational affixes 77, 87ff Derivational compounds 127 Derivatives 10, 76ff

Determinant and determinatum 108ff Diachronic (approach) 10//, 155//, 216 Dialect 262

Dictionaries 272-285 Dictionary, bilingual 272ff

Dictionary, explanatory 272ff Dictionary, machine-translation 275

Diminutive suffixes 97

Disintegration of polysemy: see Split of polysemy

Distinctive feature 25, 26, 53, 146, 185 Distinctive stress 15, 147, 148 Distribution 13, 101

Doublets, etymological 136, 137, 259 260

Echoism, echo words: see Sound imitation Elevation: see Amelioration

Ellipsis 139ff

Emotional tone (colouring, connotation, component, force) 43, 44, 233ff, 437; see also Connotations

Emotive speech 234 Equivalence 23 Equonym 197 Etymology 10, 15, 79


Euphemism 75, 207 Evaluative connotation 48

False etymology 131

Form words 18, 187, 222-223 Formatives, inner 89 Formatives, outer 77-89

Free forms 77ff, 129, 131 Functional affixes 87-90 Functional change: see Conversion Functional styles 240-250

Fusions or portmanteau words: see Blends

Fusion phraseological 170 Fuzzy sets 6, 21, 26

Generic terms 39, 63, 196 Generalisation 62-63 Glossary 274

Historism 220

Holophrasis 122ff

Homograph 185

Homonyms and homonymy 154ff, 182-194

Homonymy, patterned 155ff, 183ff, 191

Homophone 154, 184ff

Hybrids 106, 107

Hyperbole 69

Hyperonymy 196, 197

Hyponym 196, 197, 226-229

Ideographic groups 226, 227 Ideolect 209

Idioms: see Set expressions Immediate constituents 83-87, 141

Implicational 41, 50 Indivisibility 28 Informal vocabulary 242 Information retrieval 13

Integrity 30, 114 Intensifier 235 Intensifying connotation 49 International words 260, 261

Irony 69

Learned words 243 Lexical group 26 Lexical variants 207, 208 Lexicalisation 18

Lexico-grammatical class or group 224 Lexico-grammatical meaning: see Meaning, lexico-grammatical

Lexico-grammatical variant 51, 52 Lexicography 191-194, 272ff Linguostylistics 240ff Litotes 69

Loan words 100, 135, 252-259

Marked member of the opposition 242 Meaning, contextual 54

Meaning, denotative 40, 47 Meaning, figurative 52 Meaning, grammatical 39, 99

Meaning, lexical 16, 37ff, 42-47 Meaning, lexico-grammatical 16, 224 Metaphor 64ff Metonymy 64ff

Morpheme 19, 77-107 Morphemic analysis 81ff Motivation 33-36, 83, 95

Native words 204ff, 252ff Neologism 134, 216-220 Neutralisation, semantic 196 Non-semantic grouping 238, 239 Nonce usage 55, 245 Nonce words 18 Notion 42-47

Obsolete words 177, 205 Official vocabulary 243 Onomasiological approach 24 Onomasiology 55 Onomatopoeia 148ff

Onomatopoeic words: see Sound imitation Onomatopoeic stems 129

Oppositions 23, 25, 184ff, 195,215,225, 241 Opposition, basis of 26

Opposition, binary 215, 242 Opposition, equipollent 242 Opposition, lexical 134, 145, 241 Opposition, polydimensional 26 Opposition, privative 215

Opposition, proportional 98 Opposition, synonymic 195

Opposition, theory of 25, 26

Paradigm 156ff Paradigmatic 24, 201 Paralinguistics 14 Paronyms 207, 208

Patterned homonymy: see Homonymy, patterned

Patterns, word-building 90-95, 133 Patterns, new word-forming 133 Pejoration 70

Phrasal verbs: see Verbal collocations Phraseology: see Set expressions

Poetic diction 244

Polysemy and polysemantic words 41, 5057, 182

Polysemy, disintegration of: see Split of polysemy

Positional mobility 29, 30 Pragmalinguistics 14, 47ff, 240 Prefix 13ff, 213

Proper nouns 43, 62, 66-69 Proverbs 179ff

Pseudo-compounds 131



Quotation compounds and quotation derivation 122, 123, 129

Quotations, familiar 179-181

Reduplication 129, 130

Referent 31, 32

Register 241ff

Rhyme combinations 130, 131

Roots 77ff, 153ff, 188

Semantic change 60-76

Semantic change, extralinguistic causes of 73-76

Semantic change, linguistic causes of 71-73 Semantic component: see Seme

Semantic field 226, 228, 229

Semantic structure of the Word 10, 42, 5055

Semantic triangle 31-33 Semasiology 37

Seme 41-59

Semi-affixes 84, 102, 116-118 Semi-fixed combinations 166-167 Set expressions 19, 165-181

Shortened words and shortening 134-145 Simplification of stems 132

Slang 140, 249-251 Sociolinguistics 11, 230, 240

Sound imitation or onomatopoeia 129, 148ff Sound interchange 145-147

Sound symbolism 130 Specialisation 61, 62 Split of polysemy 188ff Stem 77ff, 90-95

‘Stone-wall’ problem 118-120 Stress, distinctive 147, 148

Style, functional 240-248 Substantivation 161, 162

Suffixes 77-107, 213 Suppletion, lexical 90, 243

Synchronic (approach) 10ff, 155ff, 216 Syncope 138

Synonymic differentiation 209 Synonymic dominant 196 Synonyms 178, 182ff, 194-209 Synonymy, sources of 203-205

Syntagmatic vs paradigmatic relations 23 System, lexical or vocabulary 10ff, 38, 152,

182ff, 215

System, lexical adaptive 10ff, 21, 216

Technical terms and terminology 229-233 Telescoping and portmanteau words 141 Thematic groups 226ff

Transformations, explanatory 59, 192 Transposition 153, 163

Ultimate constituents 81, 84 Umlaut 146

Understatement: see Litotes Uninterruptability 29, 30

Unities, phraseological 170ff

Valency 24, 90-95, 195, 200

Variants or regional varieties 262ff Verbal collocations of the ‘give up' type

120, 121, 161, 206 Vowel gradation 146 Vowel mutation 146

Word, definition of 27-31 Word equivalents 9, 20, 167 Word-family 77ff, 222

Word-formation analysis 81ff Wordformation, types of 163

Zero derivation: see Conversion


Ирина Владимировна Арнольд





(на английском языке)

Заведующий редакцией И. Э. Волкова. Редактор В. И. Киселева. Младший редактор Е. Г. Назарова. Художник В. И. Казакова. Художественный редактор В. И. Пономаренко. Технический редактор 3. А. Муслимова. Старший корректор Н. А. Каджардузова,

ИБ№ 5959

Изд. № А-874. Сдано в набор 14.03.86. Подп. в печать 28.07.86. Формат 60X90V1/16 Бум. тип. № 2. Гарнитура литературная. Печать высокая. Объем 18,5 усл. печ. л. 18,5 усл.

кр.-отт. 23 уч. изд. л. Тираж 17000 экз. Зак. 1697. Цена 1 р. 10 к.

Ордена Трудового Красного Знамени Московская типография № 7 «Искра революции» «Союзполиграфпрома» Государственного комитета СССР по делам издательств, полиграфии и книжной торговли. Москва, 121019, пер. Аксакова, 13. Издательство «Высшая школа», 101430, Москва, ГСП-4, Неглинная ул., д. 29/14.
