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1.Прослушайте текст А. В паузах читайте его за диктором, соблюдая членение текста на смысловые группы и обращая внимание на логическое ударение слов в предложении.

Text A


Soil plays a vital and important role in the life of the world and mankind. It is in fact a highly organized physical, chemical and


complex; all of us are dependent on. As the supporter of


life, the


plays the most

fundamental of roles in


food for all animals

and men.






influences of

climate, vegetation, slope

and drainage, time, the nature of the parent material, and the culture. Climate influences plants, animals and soil directly. Plants influence the soil, the animals and the climate near the ground. Animals play a considerable role in soil development; the type of soil often influences the animals which are present in it, while the animals also influence the vegetation which is growing in the soil. Finally climate,

through weathering, influences the rocks,

which in time

become part

of the soil through

the processes of soil formation.,


All soils do not

have the same utility,

but man uses

different soils

in different ways. “Good” land for the production of food-stuffs must lie well and have good depth, for yields are dependent upon the ability of the soil to take up, and use fertilizers and water. Man has done much to adapt crops to the soil and to provide various kinds of fertilizers for plant growth and development. Soil that is not good for the production of food-stuffs may be valuable in other ways. For example, podzols in high elevations are poor for crops but they comprise excellent forest soils.

Only by careful study of the soil, resulting in an understanding of the complexity of its nature and uses, will man able to provide food for all the people who will inhabit the earth. The soil cannot reproduce itself. Therefore, man should improve it through,

management and treatment so that future generations can farm more efficiently than their fathers and grandfathers have done. Man can improve the soil now in use and even discover how more kinds of soils can be utilized more productively.

So, the results obtained in soil science can be applied to practical problems in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, engineering, and in planning the future use of land.

2.Найдите в тексте А предложения, где говорится о факторах, влияющих на развитие почвы.

3.Прочитайте текст В. Определите в каком абзаце сообщается об основных химических элементах почвы.

Text B

Chemical properties of soil

Soils vary greatly in their chemical make-up. This variation is

due to the chemical composition of the parent


and to


climate and plant and animal

life under which the soil developed.





if not all, known




amounts and



Oxygen, silicon, aluminium, and



the most abundant. Rarely, if ever, does a soil, show a deficiency in



elements that are critical to plant growth. These



referred to

as “fertilizing elements”, since

they are



be widely

used in artificial fertilizers.



and potassium are the three the most common. They are


of most commercial fertilizer, their proportions usually

being 5-10-5 and 6-4-4.

A few elements essential in small amounts to many plants are

contained in

very small quantities in most soils. These have been

referred to as trace elements, because the amounts present in the soil can neither be estimated nor determined very accurately.

Soil conditions range from acidity to alkalinity. Acidity and alkalinity are directly opposite conditions of soil. Neutral soils are

neither acid nor alkaline. Soil water becomes acid by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and by absorbing acid products formed

by decomposition of mineral

and organic



In a broad sense, soils in humid climates tend toward acidity,

whereas soils in dry climates

tend toward alkalinity.



.plants, particularly


cultivated crops, will


tolerate a

high degree of



and alkalinity. Since


agriculture is carried on in relatively humid climates, acidity is a troublesome and costly problem with many soils. Vast amounts of lime are used to neutralize soil acidity.

4.Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых заключена главная информация, а затем предложения, содержащие второстепенную информацию

5.Переведите текст С со словарем.

Text C

Soil and its management

Good farming means proper use of many factors such as natural conditions, land, crops, livestock, machinery, fertilizers, and some others. All there factors have to be put together to make the farming system work successfully.

One of the most important points to be taken into consideration in farming is the soil which is known to be a natural resource that supports plant life. It is a mixture of particles of rock, organic materials, living forms, air and water.

During his entire existence upon the Earth man has depended upon the soil either directly or indirectly. Grain, fruits and vegetables are food products obtained by man directly from the soil. Domestic animals consume grain and forage produced by the soil and in turn supply people with meat, milk, eggs and other products used for human food. These are the products obtained from the soil indirectly.

Some good clay and loamy soils are naturally highly fertile; some light sandy soils are naturally poor. Various factors that make up soil fertility are moisture conditions, plant food, and soil structure. All

there components may be regulated by proper management of the soil.

Soil management is the science of tillage operations, cropping practices, using fertilizers, time and other treatments conducted on, or applied to, a soil for the production of crops.

Plant growth and yields can be increased by applying certain recommended soil management practices, liming, fertilization and irrigation producing, as a rule, immediate yield increases. Good soil management results in better yields and lower cost per unit of production. Fertile soils produce plants that are lees affected by diseases and less likely to be attacked by insects. In this case small losses of crops result.

Some time ago attention was centered on such macroelements as


nitrogen and potassium. Now, it well known that in

addition to

primary plant food elements mentioned, so-called

secondary elements (calcium, magnesium and sulphur) as well as microelements or trace elements (boron, copper, manganese, zinc and molybdenium) may be highly important for crop yields, for livestock and human health.

That is

why all farmers should make soil tests in order to determine


any essential elements are lacking in the soil and to


the rate of fertilizers to be applied.

6.Изложите кратко по-английски основное содержание текста С.

7.Подготовьте краткое сообщение о почвах, используя тексты UNIT III


1.Прослушайте текст А. В паузах читайте его за диктором, соблюдая членение текста на смысловые группы и обращая внимание на логическое ударение слов в предложении.

Text A


Soil. The cultivation of oats may take place on a wide range of soil types with a reasonable degree of success. Oats can be found on all the light to medium soils in the higher rainfall areas and will give high yielding crops of good quality. They can also produce good crops on some of the heavier soils, clay and silts, in the drier areas of Britain where there are significant moisture reserves in the soil which can be drown upon during a particularly dry time. .

It is true that oats will grow well where barley will fail completely and wheat produces only moderate crops but extreme acidity even with oats cannot be tolerated.

Seed-bed Preparation. Oats are said to be the best cereal to follow the.ploughing up of grassland but this is only true if the grass is turned in timely and well, the furrow slice being properly inverted and no large air pockets left which tend to accentuate drying out.

Ploughing depths should be 6 inches except where grass or surface trash need to be buried deeper and then 8-9 inches plough depths may be required. Where early ploughing has been carried out

it is often only necessary

to give

the land a light medium harrowing

to obtain the desiredltiltli1

in the top 3 inches of the soil.

Harvest. It has been pointed out that for straw to have additional

feeding value the crop


be cut early and this will mean

hindering one or two weeks before ripeness. Very tall crops may be cut earlier than usual to make the harvesting easier and to avoid risks of late lodging and this will also apply to crops which have been under sown. Quick maturing varieties will often be cut before the rest to avoid grain losses and lodging. Some people suppose the best time to cut a good standing crop of oats is a few days before it is fully ripe. Since oats are much more prone to losing their grain by shattering than the other cereals then bindering must always be before full maturity.

2.Найдите в тексте А предложения, где говорится о способе посадки овса.

3.Прочитайте текст В. Определите в каком абзаце сообщается о времени уборки пшеницы.

Text B


Wheat-growing was extensively practiced throughout Europe in prehistoric times and this cereal was of great importance in the ancient civilizations of Persia, Greece and Egypt. It spread to all the temperature countries where it now plays a major part in the food

supply of many

nations and it is also

widely cultivated

in tropical

and subtropical areas.



It is often

said that winter wheat

does best on a


seed-bed. Ploughing should be done as early as possible and the normal depth would be in the region of 6 inches. The type of seedbed required for winter wheat can be described as one with a reasonable tilth in the top 2-3 inches, with a surface containing a high proportion of clods the largest of these being about the size of a man's hand. This is to prevent capping, a condition which can easily arise with heavy rain, when the soil surface runs together forming a crust.}

Winter wheat is normally harvested from August to October (in Britain), depending on the type of summer experienced and also the geographical location. Spring wheat matures much later than winter wheat and later than the other cereals.

Following a hot, dry summer grain may be combine-harvested under very good conditions; and if the moisture does not exceed 14% than it can be stored without drying. Moisture tests can be carried out at harvest and these are often used to indicate the stage of ripeness or readiness for combining.

Most of the wheat being cut by combine harvester, there is still a small, but significant acreage which is bindered to satisfy the demand for long straw. It is said to be binderripe when the grain is fairly firm, has a cheesy texture and does not exude any milky fluid when pressed. This stage is usually reached between 1 and 2 weeks

before it can be combine-harvested. The actual binding should not take place until the morning dew has disappeared. Once cut the grain will mature in the ear and the straw will dry out.

4.Выпишите из текста В предложения, в которых заключена главная информация, а затем предложения, содержащие второстепенную информацию

5.Переведите текст С со словарем.

Text C


The first requirement in the production of any crop is to see

that the soil conditions are

as close


the optimum as possible.

Barley prefers well-drained

soils, light


medium in texture with a

high pH. When fertility is high and weather conditions are favorable high yielding crops of good quality are obtained.

When barley is grown in the wetter areas of Britain it does best when the rainfall is below normal and when sunshine hours are higher then usual. Kramer reviewed effect of climate on this crop though data from Zealand. Their results suggest that low rainfall in April and early May and cool weather in May, is required for high yields. High rainfall in the previous winter appeared detrimental and warm dry weather was required during repining.

Winter barley is often sown after early harvested sugar beet on the lighter soils, since seed-beds can often be easily and quickly prepared for sowing in October and November. With large acreage of arable land in cereals, many crops of winter barley will go in after spring cereals, but in would be unwise to grow winter barley following winter barley due to the increased disease risks involved. Spring barley may follow almost any other crop provided the land is not in too high a state of fertility otherwise wide-spread lodging can result. Under system of cereal monoculture or close cereal cropping spring barley is the most commonly chosen crop since it appears least affected by disease. Although a yield depression has nearly been recorded with intensive cereal growing, season cultural weed-control,

disease control, timely plaguing and cultivation can easily be achieved.

6.Изложите кратко содержание текста С

7.Просмотрите тексты А, В, С еще раз и составьте реферат на тему “Grain crops”


1.Прослушайте текст А. В паузах читайте его за диктором, соблюдая членение текста на смысловые группы и обращая внимание на логическое ударение слов в предложении.

Vegetable crops

Vegetables are the juicy parts of grassy plants, used in food: roots, tubers, stalks, shoots, floccules or fruits. We know vegetable crops to have begun many thousand years ago. The vegetables contain necessary for man substances, which are poorly submitted or are absent in other power supplies. The chemical structure and the food qualities of vegetables depend on a kind of plants. Carbohydrates prevail in dry substance of vegetables. There are sugar, cellulose and starch. The contents of fats in vegetables are small. Most of vegetables contain 1-2 % fibers, legumes -6-7 %.The basic nutritious substance in vegetables are carbohydrates. The contents of carbohydrates reach 10-17 %, in a potatoes -18 %.

The nutritional value of vegetables is insignificant; therefore as food products they can not satisfy the need of constitution in fibers and fats. The importance of vegetables is that they have a plenty of biologically active substances. Vegetables contain various vitamins and carotin. The important role for man’s foodstuff plays enzymes promoting to the best mastering of food. In a diet the vegetables are

the basic

source of mineral salts: calcium, phosphorus, iron,


magnesium and other elements. They are necessary for

formation of a bone, blood and creation of alkaline environment in lymph.

To increase the yields of vegetable crops farmers apply different fertilizers and use various agricultural practices. The majority of vegetable crops are made multiple copies by seeds. The seed method of planting adapts better to conditions of growing. The


method of planting kept the attributes of grades better, but

it adapts

to conditions of growing worse. The growth and

development of vegetable plants are under the influence of many factors such as warmly, light, moisture, gas mode and mineral feed.

2.Найдите в тексте А предложения, где говорится о

пользе овощей в рационе питания человека.

3.Прочитайте текст В. Определите в каком абзаце

сообщается о способах посадки капусты .

Text B Cabbage

The cabbage is most ancient vegetable culture. A native land of cabbage is Mediterranean. Here inhabitants of islands and coast grew also consumed in food sheet cabbage in stone and bronze centuries (V-III thousand years up to AD). The scientists consider that the cabbage has taken place from sheet on a boundary of our era. In Russia cabbage was cultivated on kitchen gardens in the second century and in XVI centuries it became a usual vegetable on a table.

There are many kinds of cabbage grown in our land. The most popular arable crops are white headed and cauliflower cabbage. The cabbage being highly important for man, the latter grows it widely

and improves

it by



methods as selection






dietary importance for


Cabbage has a lot valuable substances and vitamins: an ascorbic acid, thiamine, ribonucleic and others vitamins.

The cabbage is rich by mineral salts: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, natrium, microelements. In cabbage it is revealed 16 free acids. The complex biochemical structure of cabbage puts it in a

number of irreplaceable products of a meal. The cabbage also is a valuable medical means. The cabbage is a frost-resistant plant and is successfully grown in conditions of Yakutia. All kinds of cabbage are planted by seedlings.

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5.Переведите текст С со словарем.

Text C


Potatoes are widely widespread arable crop. In the world production of potatoes occupies one of the first places alongside with rice, wheat and corn. In Russia the potatoes is named “the second bread”. Various uses of potatoes are caused by its valuable properties.

Potato tubers contain fiber of high quality, vitamins, starch, mineral salts and other substances, which are extremely important for a food of the man. 250-300 g. of potatoes contain 30-50 percents of daily need in vitamin C.

Potato is the good forage for the cattle. Usually with potatoes feed pigs, cows and birds. The potatoes are the important technical culture. It is used as raw material in manufacture of tire covers for motor vehicles, cinema film, valuable varnishes for planes and sheep, man-made silk, plastic products, starches and spirit.

A native land of potatoes is Southern America (Chile). The potatoes were delivered from America to Spain in 1565. Potato was grown long time in Europe in botanical gardens. In Russia the potatoes was sent by Peter I of Holland at the end of 17 centuries. Originally it was distributed poorly. Today cultivation of potatoes occupies a conducting place in the agriculture of Russia. The productivity of potatoes depends on amount of dropping out deposits and from duration of the vegetative period.

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