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could not help following her, and that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and ever would see, and that he was in love with her.

The woman replied, "I'm very flattered at such a compliment, but surely this can't be true because if you'd turned to look behind you, you'd have seen my sister who's been following you, and she's ten times more beautiful than me."

The man turned to look, and saw a plain looking girl behind him. He turned to the other woman and said, "I'm confused because your sister’s not more beautiful than you. Why did you tell me that? You lied to me."

The woman looked at him and said, "And you lied also because you turned your head!" (Michael Herman. The Power of Love)

4.Indicate deictic markers in the following text fragment and state their type. Comment on the functions the deictic markers you have singled out per-

form in the text.

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into details, if you want to know the truth, in the first place, that stuff bores me, and in the second place, my parents would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything personal about them. They're quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father. They're nice and all — I'm not saying that — but they're also touchy as hell. Besides, I'm not going to tell you my whole goddamn autobiography or anything. I'll just tell you about this madman stuff that happened to me around last Christmas just before I got pretty run down and had to come out here and take it easy. I mean that's all I told D.B. about, and he's my brother and all. He's in Hollywood. That isn't too far from this crumby place, and he comes over and visits me practically every week end. He's going to drive me home when I go home next month may be. He just got a Jaguar...




(J.D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye)





Anaphoric textual

those that look back in the text for their interpretation.



Cataphoric tex-

those that look forward in the text for their interpretation.

tual relations



a semantic or topical unity of the spoken or written text; is


usually achieved by means of the theme and rheme pro-


gression. A coherent text is the text that ―sticks together‖


as a whole unit.




is a succession of spoken or written sentences achieved by


means of explicit linguistic means




includes all those items in text that are semantically related




―identification by pointing‖; deictic markers are textual


elements that ―point‖ the reader or listener to particular


points of space, time, human relations and formal connec-


tions in the text.



Endophoric rela-

are means of cohesive ties; they can be of two kinds – ana-


phoric relations and cataphoric relations.




includes repetition, synonym or near synonym use and the


use of general words/



Test questions:

1.How can the text as a linguistic unit be defined?

2.What is the difference between a text and a discourse?

3.What does the notion of "coherence" imply?

5.What does the notion of "cohesion" imply?

6.What types of textual cohesion can be distinguished?

7.What semantic groups of textual connectors do you know?

8.Provide a definition of the lexical cohesion.


9.What does collocation mean?

10.What is the difference between reiteration and collocation?

11.What types of endophoric relations can be determined?

12.Provide examples of anaphoric and cataphoric textual relations.

13.What does the term "deixis" mean?

14.What classes of deictic markers are usually distinguished?

15.Provide examples of textual deictic markers.



Test 1

ТЗ-1. The main notions of Grammar are

grammatical category, grammatical form, methods of Grammar description

grammatical category, grammatical meaning, grammatical form

ТЗ-2. The theory of oppositions was introduced by




ТЗ-3. The unity of grammatical meaning and grammatical form, a class of grammatical meanings which unite different grammatical forms is called

grammatical paradigm

grammatical meaning

grammatical category

ТЗ-4. Ch. Fries, L. Harris, R. Roberts are the representatives of the trend in Grammar called

American Structural Linguistics

Classical Theory

Transformational Grammar

ТЗ-5. Syntagmatic relations are

vertical relation of an ―or…or‖- type

connections between elements of the system

immediate linear relations between units in a segmental sequence

ТЗ-6. Complete the sentence with one word

The main divisions of Theoretical Grammar are morphology and____________.

ТЗ-7. Complete the sentence with one word


The division of grammar which treats the forms of the words called parts of speech, studies grammatical morphemes and their meanings is______________________________________________________________.

ТЗ-8. Complete the sentence with one word

The type of relations which exists between the elements of the system is called


ТЗ-9. Match the opposition and the morphological category it represents

write : am writing

the category of number



table : tables

the category of case



to break : to be broken

the category of tense



we : us

the category of aspect



take : took

the category of person




the category of voice



ТЗ-10. The order of the language levels: __textual level

__morphemic level __lexemic level __phrasemic level __suprasentential level __phonemic level __proposemic level

Test 2.

ТЗ-1. Russian linguists classify all words into

notional / stative

notional / functional

declinable / indeclinable

ТЗ-2. ―The Theory of three ranks‖ was introduced by





ТЗ-3. Complete the sentence with one word

The traditional classification of parts of speech was introduced by______________________________________________________________.

ТЗ-4. Complete the sentence with one word

The part of speech of the word ―after‖ in the sentence ―Ten years after his famous experiment was performed.‖ is ________________________________.

ТЗ-5. Complete the sentence with one word

The categorial meaning of the adjective as a part of speech is_______________.

ТЗ-6. Match the classifications of parts of speech and the linguists they were worked out by

traditional classification




syntactico-distributional classification




theory of three ranks








Test 3.

ТЗ-1.The morphological category of the noun, showing the relations of the nominal referent to other objects or phenomena is called




ТЗ-2. The grammatical category which is expressed by the obligatory correlation of nouns with personal pronouns of the 3rd person singular is called




□ gender

ТЗ-3. The most characteristic functions of the noun are

attribute, adverbial modifier

predicative, attribute

subject, object

ТЗ-4. Language units like ―trade talks‖, ―cannon ball‖ are treated as

attributive word-groups

compound words

phraseological units

ТЗ-5.The function of the noun ―sharkskin‖ in the sentence: ―She is extremely in her sharkskin dress.‖ is



adverbial modifier

ТЗ-6. The function of the noun in the sentence: ―This thought dogs me.‖ is




ТЗ-7. Complete the sentence with one word

The number of the nouns ―trousers, scissors, shorts‖ is____________________.

ТЗ-8. Complete the sentence with one word

The categorial meaning of the noun is_________________________________.

ТЗ-9. Complete the sentence with one word

The form of the verb ―be‖ in the sentence: ―The police (be) here and they are doing their best, sir.‖_______________________________________________.

ТЗ-10. Complete the sentence with one word

The form of the verb ―be‖ in the sentence: ―The information about this company (be) encouraging.‖_________________________________________________.


ТЗ-11. Complete the sentence with one word

The form of the verb ―be‖ in the sentence: ―Where (be) your clothes made?‖___.

ТЗ-12. Complete the sentence with one word

The form of the verb ―be‖ in the sentence: ―Your advice (be) very useful.‖____.

ТЗ-13. Complete the sentence with one word

The function of the noun in the sentence: ―He posted the letter too late.‖ is______________________________________________________________.

ТЗ-14. Complete the sentence with one word

The function of the noun in the sentence: ―They were strangers here.‖ is______________________________________________________________.

ТЗ-15. Match the nouns and their number


common plural




absolute plural




common singular




absolute singular







ТЗ-16. Match the masculine gender nouns and their feminine counterparts

























Test 4.

ТЗ-1. According to the functional classification the verbs are divided into

transitive / non-transitive

notional / functional


□ limitive / unlimitive

ТЗ-2. According to the morphological classification the verbs are divided into

transitive / non-transitive

regular / irregular

finite / non-finite

ТЗ-3. According to the aspective classification the verbs are divided into

limitive / unlimitive

transitive / non-transitive

finite / non-finite

ТЗ-4. The correct non-finite form in the sentence ―He refused ### the bill.‖ is

to pay



ТЗ-5. The correct non-finite form in the sentence ―He was the last ###.‖ is

to come



ТЗ-6. It was agreed that he (to start) on his new job on Monday.

will start

should start


ТЗ-7. She hid her face in her hands so that he (not to see) her smile.


could not see

should not see

ТЗ-8. Subjunctive II (perfect form) coincides with

Past Simple

Past Perfect


□ Future-in-the-Past

ТЗ-9. The mood of the verb in italics ―If there were no fools, there would be no

wise men‖ is ###.__________________________________________________

ТЗ-10. Complete the sentence with one word

The morphological category represented by the opposition: ―take : took‖ is the

category of_______________________________________________________

ТЗ-11. Match the clause and its type

She insisted that we should all eat ices.

Appositive clause




He had a wish that his name should be men-

Adverbial clause of purpose

tioned in the article.






The suggestion was that they should give

Adverbial clause of comparison

her another chance to improve.






Now she acted as if she did not care.

Object clause




You ought to hear it from his own lips so

Predicative clause

that you can judge.






ТЗ-12. Match the Infinitive in italics and its function



―If you have any love for him the least you can

a part of a compound verbal

do is to try and make him a little less unhappy.‖

modal predicate



Merle started to cry again, walking towards the


streets with Dougal.





You were told to be careful – and you oughtn’t

adverbial modifier of purpose

really to have left England for at least another







He resisted the temptation to eat one more piece

a part of a compound verbal

of cake.


aspect predicate



Mona opened her mouth to speak, and then shut


it again.






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