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Rice, noodles and mushrooms are __________ of Chinese cuisine.

3.Definition: style of cooking

Nowadays people are more likely to pay more attention to world ____________.

4.Definition: causes of suffering

Malnutrition and infectious diseases are the ___________ of poverty.

5.Definition: a man working on a land

The simple ideal diet is often called the __________ diet.

6.Definition: happening or done at the same time

In the past 20 years the consumption of saturated fats has declined which has resulted in the __________ drop in heart disease in the USA.

7.Definition: wealthy

As people become more _________ they are able to indulge.

8.Definition: of diet

__________ studies may help to develop a better strategy for changing our fat intake.

9.Definition: unable to take (absorb) any more

Many Indian dishes are soaked in clarified butter or coconut oil, one of the few vegetable oils that is virtually all ________ fat.

10.Definition: additional food served with the main meal.

I’d like some mixed vegetables _________.

11.Definition: the amount of smth that you eat or drink

Reduce your ___________ of salt, sugar and junk food.

12.Definition: the particular taste that food or drink has

The drink has a very strong citrus ___________.

13.Definition: a larger amount of smth than is usual or necessary

Test revealed an ____________ of alcohol in the driver’s blood.

14.Definition: producing favourable effects or useful results

One or two glasses of wine a day can be ________.

15.Definition: the rate at which smth undesirable happens or exists

Researchers found a high ___________ of lung cancer in this area.

5. Give synonyms from your active vocabulary for the following words.

hors d’oeuvre

to quit


to taste

to restore





to advertise

to support



6. Paraphrase the sentences using your active vocabulary.

1.The company has gradually changed and developed over the years into a multimillion dollar organization.

2.Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the disadvantage of a market economy.

3.I tried to help increase, improve his ego by praising his cooking.

4.As an education minister, she has been praising these ideas for some time.

5.I love champagne but I don't often allow to enjoy myself.

6.It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contain one half of your recommended daily amount you eat of parts of fruit, vegetables and grains that your body cannot digest.

7.Grapes and olives are existing in a much larger quality than is needed in this part of France.

8.All houses within 100 metres of the seas are in a situation when smth dangerous can happen of flooding.

9.For real Indian food, just follow these set of instructions telling you how to cook smth.

10.Phosphate has been a main product of this area for many years.

11.A series of disasters ruined them - floods, a failed harvest and the death of a son.

12.Many of the refugees are suffering from severe poor condition of health caused by a lack of food.

13.The children seem to exist on a food you usually eat of burgers and chips.

14.Dayton was used instead of for Williams in the second half of the match.

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable words in a proper form from the list below.

1.At 6:30, everyone gathered for drinks and_________ in the lounge.

2.Students from countries as __________ as Colombia and Lithuania use Cambridge textbooks when they learn English.

3.__________ using a different shampoo.

4.Humans ___________ from apes.

5.After 20 years in official disgrace, she's been ___________.

6.Romantic fiction and reference books are a _________ of many public libraries.

7._________ is one of the main exports of the American Midwest.

8.As the food looked so good, he decided to _________ a little from each dish.

9.We met in a little __________ just off the main road.


10.She had a __________ which left her unable to speak.

11.He was rushed into hospital because his blood wasn't __________ properly.

12.The ____________ of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.

13.Putting your savings in a high-interest account is a ____________.

14.It took a lot of ___________ to stay calm.

15.Only the leaves of the plant are _____________ .

To evolve; appetizer; grain; willpower; to rehabilitate; a stroke; diverse; a downside; to sample; a staple; to try; an eatery; edible; to clot; a good bet.

8.Translate from Russian into English.

1.Бедные люди, у которых недостаточное питание, рискуют своим здоровьем, какой бы диеты они не придерживались.

2.Те, кому удаётся избежать несчастных случаев и других бедствий, часто доживают до преклонного возраста.

3.Когда страна достигает определённого уровня благосостояния как, например Америка и Япония, зерновые и бобовые культуры заменяются маслом и говядиной.

4.Иногда фермер залпом выпивает рюмку оливкового масла, прежде чем отправится утром на поля.

5.Рис, лапша, капуста и грибы вместе с другими овощами, а также небольшое количество рыбы и мяса являются главными продуктами китайской кухни.

6.Недавние научные исследования показывают, что мононенасыщенные жиры эффективней предотвращают сердечные заболевания, чем более широко рекламируемые поли.

7.Совсем недавно индийцы стали уделять внимание диетам и занятиям аэробикой, которые весьма популярны среди элитных кругов остальной части мира.

8.Хорошее питание важно для хорошего здоровья.

9.Молоко очень питательное.

10.Когда люди становятся богатыми, они отказываются от простой недорогой традиционной кухни.

11.Что можно сделать, чтобы предотвратить распространение болезни?

12.Этот ресторан знаменит своей прекрасной кухней.

13.Не могла бы ты мне дать рецепт этого шоколадного торта?

14.Ожирение может вызвать различные заболевания.


15.Вы можете заменить говядину курицей, если вы не любите красное мясо.

16.Многим людям необходимо увеличить ежедневное потребление фруктов и овощей.

17.Огромное количество рыбы, которое съедают эскимосы, помогает предотвратить сердечные заболевания.

18.Морские водоросли богаты питательными веществами.

19.Необходимо хорошее питание, если пациенту надо быстро поправиться.

20.Врач посоветовал ему обратиться к диетологу.

21.Богатое жирами питание может привести к ожирению.

22.Чтобы сократить риск заболевания раком кишечника, надо есть диетическую клетчатку.

23. У меня не хватает силы воли соблюдать диету.

24.Сливочное масло и сливки содержат много насыщенных жиров.

25.В этом рецепте растительное масло можно заменить сливочным.

26.Врач порекомендовал сократить ежедневное потребление соли.

27.У твоего плана много недостатков.

28.Они могут испортить внуков, позволяя им слишком много.

28.Многие американцы стали заботиться о своём здоровье последнее время.

30.Существует много серьёзных угроз здоровью, связанных с курением.

31.Для местных жителей было бы бедствием, если бы не начался дождь.

32.Не собирай эти ягоды, они несъедобны.

Part 2: Here Come the Tourists

Words to remember

beggar (n) – a poor person who lives by asking others for money or food

ecotourism (n) – the business of organizing holidays to places that people do not usually visit in a way which helps local people and does not damage the environment enchanted (adj) – charmed or effected by special magic powers

to annoy (v) – to make smb feel slightly angry or impatient; irritate

local (n) – a person who lives in the particular small area which you are talking about skilled (adj) – having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well: to be skilled at/in doing smth

playful (adj) – lively and full of fun


upfront (adj) – completely honest and not trying to hide anything: to be upfront about smth demanding (adj) a demanding person needs a lot of attention and is not easily pleased or satisfied

to perceive (v) – to understand or think about smth in a particular way purchase (n) – an act of buying; an article that has been bought

to revolve (v) – to move or cause something to move round a central point or line community (n) – the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, background or nationality

inappropriate (adj) – unsuitable

to pay the price to experience the bad result of something you have done token (n) – smth that acts as a reminder; keepsake, souvenir

to manifest (v) – to show smth such as a feeling or ability, so that it is easy to notice; to manifest itself – to become easy to notice

backward (adj) – not advanced, late in development

indigenous (adj) – originating, growing or living naturally in a particular place compensation (n) – money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some inconvenience

intrusive (adj) – becoming involved in smth in a way that is not welcome

pathetic (adj) causing feelings of sadness, sympathy or sometimes lack of respect, especially because a person or an animal is suffering

to commit (v) – to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong acquire (v) – to obtain something

back-packer (n) – someone, especially a young person without much money, who travels around an area on foot or public transport often carrying a backpack

vacationer US (n) (holidaymaker UK) – a person who is on holiday away from where they usually live

to benefit (from) (v) – to gain advantage; to receive benefit (as a result of smth)

to distinguish (v) – to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another; differentiate

to flock (v) – to move or gather together in large numbers

stinginess (n) – quality of being unwilling to spend, give or use money

to bargain (v) – to try to persuade someone to give you a better price or make an agreement that suits you better: to bargain with smb for smth

merchant (n) – a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with other countries

to take advantage of smth – to use the good things in a situation


to take advantage of smb – to treat someone badly in order to get something good from them

fair (adj) – If something, such as a price or share, is fair, it is reasonable and is what you expect or deserve


1. Give English equivalents of the words and word partnerships used in the text.

Нищий (попрошайка); сообщество; природные ресурсы; быть очарованным чемлибо; игривый; вращаться вокруг денег и покупок; надоедать; прямолинейный; требовательный; воспринимать; невероятно богатый; несоответствующая случаю одежда; короткий визит; жаждать приключений; туристы дарят местным жителям подарки на память; психологическое затруднение; видеть себя как бедных и отсталых; проявиться в чём-либо; местные (туземные) жители; быть назойливыми; приобретать права на что-л.; широко распространяться; требовать компенсацию за что-л.; навязчивый, назойливый; получать выгоду от чего-л.; причинять физический/духовный вред; трогательный; вносить вклад; различать; иметь тенденцию; скупость; торговаться; заплатить справедливую цену.

2. Match the words or expressions with their definitions.

1. pathetic

a. a poor person who lives by asking others for money or



2. vacationer

b. quality of being unwilling to spend, give or use money

3. beggar

c. not advanced, late in development

4. intrusive

d. lively and full of fun

5. indigenous

e. smth that acts as a reminder

6. stinginess

f. a person who lives in the particular small area which you


are talking about

7. enchanted

g. to show smth such as a feeling or ability, so that it is easy


to notice

8. backward

h. becoming involved in smth in a way that is not welcome

9. to annoy

i. causing feelings of sadness, sympathy or sometimes lack of





10. token

j. having the abilities needed to do an activity or job well

11. upfront

k. a person who is on holiday away from where they usually



12. local

l. originating, growing or living naturally in a particular place

13. to manifest

m. charmed or effected by special magic powers

14. playful

n. to make smb feel slightly angry or impatient; irritate

15. skilled

o. completely honest and not trying to hide anything

3. Make new words by adding suffixes or prefixes to the italicized words. Translate the sentences.

ness / (p)tive / un / (p)tible (about things) / (p)tion

1.They perceived that they were unwelcome and left.

2.He was a man of great … .

3.I always knew that my sister was a …woman: she could show an unusually good ability to notice and understand what was going around her. Sometimes her … startled me.

4.He could never understand her. He was absolutely … to her feelings.

5.The difference between these two people was barely … .

in / ly / ness

1.I think this is an appropriate moment to raise the question of my promotion.

2.His bright clothes were … for such a solemn occasion. But he never mind the … for the situation.

3.He was dressed … for the situation and looked smart and fashionable.

ing / ed / ly

1.Crime is on the increase.

2.They have … the price of the petrol by almost 20%.

3.He felt … difficulty in communicating with them.

4.I find it … difficult to live within my income.

er / sive / sion

1.A translator shouldn’t intrude his own opinions into what he is translating.

2.I don’t want to be an … . I understand that it is very insensitive and inappropriate to intrude upon your private grief.


3.I don’t like my neighbors – they are so curious and … .

4.I have so many … on my time that it’s difficult to get my job done.

iture / se / ive

1.Don’t expend all your energy on such a useless job.

2.Government … on education is rising.

3.It’s too much of an … to own a car.

4.I can’t afford to buy this car. It’s too … for me.

ous / dis

1.You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence.

2.The new process should be particularly … to small companies.

3.The lack of teaching experience gave her a big … over the other applicants for the job.

4.Give synonyms. Make up your own sentences with these words.




to crowd


to differentiate


to obtain

to irritate




5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words in a proper form from the list below. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.It really _________ me when you don’t listen to what I’m saying.

2.The __________ are very welcoming.

3.They are now _____________ for past mistakes.

4.___________ negotiators ask questions and stick to the facts.

5.I wish she’d been a bit more _________ with us.

6.His bright clothes were hardly ___________ for such a solemn occasion.

7.School heads __________ their roles in different ways.

8.He brought her some flowers as a __________ of his thanks.

9.I found her questions quite ___________.

10.He made a ________ attempt to explain his failure.

11.We __________ the shares for $ 1.75 each.


12.She is a very _________ about why she wants the job – she’d like to earn a lot more money.

13.The illness first __________ itself in severe stomach pains.

14.The Maori are the __________ people of New Zealand.

15.The refugees were a ___________ sight – starving, frightened and cold.

16.He learned to __________ a great variety of birds, animals and plants.

17.The dealer spent hours __________ for the valuable painting.

18.It doesn’t have to be a big present – it’s just a __________ really.

To bargain, token (2), to perceive, to annoy, pathetic (2), upfront (2), skilled, to pay the price, locals, to acquire, to manifest, indigenous, to distinguish, appropriate, intrusive.

6. Insert prepositions.

1.He was enchanted … this idea.

2.Small children can’t distinguish right … wrong.

3.It’s important to distinguish … compound interest and simple interest.

4.Try to bargain … them … the price of this painting.

5.She is skilled … designing web sites.

6.Your short dress is inappropriate … a formal party.

7.Nixon went to China … the midst of a crisis at home.

8.Every buyer will take advantage … paying a fair price in a local Chinese market.

9.Their concern is manifested mainly … fine speeches, rather than … practical actions.

10.He’s very upfront … his political views.

11.These small businesses have benefited greatly … the fall in interest rates.

12.She took advantage … his good nature.

13.Locals spent years acquiring their rights … these lands.

14.Tourists believe they can contribute … destination communities.

15.The travel agent offered them $4200 in compensation … their lost holidays.

16.Thrill-seekers are eager … adventure.

7.Translate from Russian into English.

1.Учитель был очарован нежным голосом маленькой девочки.

2.Хватит надоедать девушке.


3.Я хотела бы, чтобы ты был более честным в этом вопросе.

4.Шорты – неуместная одежда для официального приёма.

5.Она не проявляет особого желания выходить за него замуж.

6.Природа раскрывается нам только через наши чувства.

7.Иногда я с трудом отличаю испанский от португальского.

8.Женщины могут торговаться на рынке часами.

9.Попрошайки окружили нас со всех сторон и были очень назойливы.

10.История Египта очарует вас своими мифами и легендами.

11.Если вы плохо знаете человека, то лучше подарить ему символический подарок.

12.Терпеть не могу торговаться.

13.Её жалостливый рассказ заставил меня расплакаться.

14.Она была в игривом настроении.

15.Это кафе популярно как среди местных жителей, так и среди туристов.

16.Как знак нашей благодарности за всё, что вы сделали, мы бы хотели, чтобы вы приняли этот небольшой подарок.

17.Маленькие дети могут быть очень требовательными.

18.Они поняли, что были нежеланными гостями и ушли.

19.Вы хотите, чтобы мы доставили ваши покупки?

20.Нам нужны квалифицированные работники.

21.Музыкальный талант обычно проявляется в детстве.

8. Make up dialogues as instructed.

1.You are a foreigner in other country. Try to find out what junk food is?

2.You are going to have a party. Discuss the menu (one of your friends is a vegetarian and another is on a diet).

3.You want to travel and you are at the tour agency. Ask a tour guide about ecotourism where you can go. Give advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism.

4.You are at the Arabian market and you want to buy a beautiful carpet. Discuss the price of it with a seller and start to bargain.

9. Find some diets and bring them to class for discussion. What diet is hard to follow? Why?

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