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Act out the situations where these sayings can be engaged.


Guidelines: Chapter 4 focuses on some of the most important events in the history of the United States – the War for Independence, forming a government, and adopting the US Constitution. The Chapter consists of two units. Unit 10 includes readings about some of the courses of the Revolutionary War for Independence from Britain and signing the Declaration of Independence (1776). It also contains passages about Independence Day and Flag Day – their origin and significance for Americans. Unit 11 deals with results of the War for Independence: making-up a new nation, forming a government, and adopting the US Constitution. Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List introduces the students to key vocabulary items that are closely related to central themes in the reading (the Founding Fathers, duties(taxes), massacre, resistance, dissident, conciliation, grievance, draft, amendment, proposition, consent, Pledge of Allegiance, adopt etc (Unit 10); Constitution, the Bill of Rights, convention, confederation /federation, talks, treaty, integrity, take office, presiding officer, term, legislative, executive, judiciary, enactment, impeachment etc (Unit 11).

The Vocabulary exercises included are of synonyms, multiple choice, fill in, matching, and definitions formats. Along the comprehension questions (Agree or Disagree; Answer the questions) meant to help students and teachers to assess whether the class has grasped the main ideas and understood details from the readings, Discussion questions encourage students to draw conclusions and discuss cross-cultural similarities and differences: Consider the Issue: 1. America proclaimed its independence from the Crown. What/who did Russia become independent from? 2. When, in the course of human relations, it is necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that connect it to another? (Unit 10); Consider the Issues: 1. Amendments are called that because they fix mistakes or correct omissions. Does it mean that they themselves can be changed? 2. Is the Constitution meant to be written in stone? Does it need to be “improved” and fixed” to be relevant and keep up with time? (Unit 11).

The students may be offered some Suggestions for Writing a group composition about the following: Some historians suggest that the American identity arouse from the need to defend the colonies’ interest against England. Do you think that a nation’s identity is formulated as a result of pressure coming from outside, or is it determined by internal factors such as geography and culture? Think about your own nation’s experience.




1.What qualities do you think a person or a people should possess to become and feel independent?

2.What principles is independence based on?


3. Do you feel independent? Explain.

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

the Founding Fathers – the group of people who wrote the US Constitution in 1787, when the US begin to exist as a country

1.destiny – a mysterious power that some people believe controls e/th that happens – fate, fortune, lot – судьба

2.wage war оn/against – вести войну с/против

3.duty – tax that you must pay on sth that you buy, sth that you bring into one country from another country – пошлинa; levy duties – облагать пошлинами; repeal duties – отменить пошлины; duty-free – беспошлинно

4.burden – a serious or difficult responsibility – бремя, тяжесть

5.resistance – standing firm, withstanding, opposition – сопротивление; resist (v.)

6.mob – crowd, swarm – a large crowd of people that is dangerous or difficult to control – толпа; an organized group of criminals = mafia

7.massacre – the action of killing of a lot of people – резня, бойня

8.beverage – sth to drink – напиток

9.tipping point – a time when important things start happening, especially things that cannot be changed – критический момент

10.dump – (1)get rid of s/one or sth that you no longer want or need; to put sth somewhere in a careless way – избавляться, выбрасывать, сваливать (мусор); (2) to sell goods at a very low price in a foreign countrу in order to keep prices higher in your own country – yстраивать демпинг

11.draft – a plan, letter, or drawing that may have changes made to it before it’s finished – проект (закона)



12.reconcile (with, to) – become friendly again after a disagreement; to make s/one accept the situation even though they do not like it –примириться; reconciliation


13.fervently – very enthusiastically and sincerely = ardently – горячо, пламенно

14.grievance – complaint about being treated in an unfair way – повод для недовольства, обида, жалоба

15.adopt (1)to formally accept a proposal usually by voting; (2)to take s/one else’s child into your family and legally make him/her your own child take in, foster, take care of – принять; усыновить; перенимать, усваивать

16.endow sb with s/th – to give a particular quality or ability – наделять (даром,


17unalienable – неотъемлемый

18.consent (to) – agreement, permission, assent – согласие, popular consent

всенародное одобрение

19.on behalf of – в интересах к-л; от имени к-л

20.justice – (1)справедливость; правосудие; судья – fairness, equity. Ant. injustice; the legal process of judging and punishing people; (2) a judge in a law court in the USA – судья


21. drag on – pass very slowly – тянуться


dawn – daybreak, the beginning of the day –заря, рассвет; the dawn of sth – the time when a new period in history begins

hail – to acclaim, publicly praise - приветствовать, отдавать должное twilight – dusk, the time in the evening when it’s getting dark – сумерки perilous – dangerous – опасный, рискованный

rampart – крепостной вал, защитное укрепление, оплот gallantly – bravely, chivalrously –храбро, доблестно star-spangled – усыпанный звездами

the Star-Spangled Banner – (1)the national anthem; (2)the national flag of the US

22.convey – to communicate ideas or feelings indirectly; to give information or message – передавать, сообщать

23.dissident – s/one who disagrees publicly with a government especially in a country where that is not allowed = rebel

24.commemorate – to show that you remember the certain event – праздновать

(годовщину); чтить память; commemoration (n,) commemorative(adj.)

25.issue – problem, question, subject, concern; edition – вопрос, проблема; выпуск, эмиссия; издание; issue (v.) – publish, distribute, circulate, release – выпускать,


26.pennant – the long narrow flag with a pointed end, used mainly by ships, businesses, and teams; the symbol and prize for winning – знамя, вымпел, приз в состязании

27.pledge – promise; an amount of money or sth valuable that you give to s/one as a way of promising that you will pay them back later – залог, поручительство; зарок;

публичное обещание;

31.allegiance [э`li:dz(э)ns] – strong loyalty to a person, idea, or a country

Pledge of Allegiance – a short speech that US citizens recite, in which they formally promise to be loyal to their country. As soon as s/one becomes a new US citizen, they must also say this in an official ceremony. When you say the Pledge of Allegiance you have to stand up, put your right hand over your heart, and look at the flag – клятва верности/ присяга

32. amendment (to) – a change made to a law or agreement: one of the changes that has been made to the US constitution – поправка

33. proposition – suggestion, offer, proposal, statement that people can examine in order to decide whether it is true – предложение

Vocabulary Check

I. Choose the word that best defines the italicized word.

1.There were issues about the way the department was organized.





2.We did not know what destiny planned for us.




3.Our company won’t put up with all sorts of dissidents.




4.Parliament unanimously adopted the committee’s proposals.




5.The government had taken elaborate precautions to crush any resistance.




6.An angry mob surrounded the police.




7.You cannot go on school trips without consent of your parents.




8.I have always fervently supported all his initiatives.




9.Their allegiance to the idea could not but arouse our admiration.




10.Mike was very angry at being dumped right before the competition.




11.Please convey my appreciations to your President.


a.drag on



12.Various beverages were displayed at the fair.




II. Write the letter of the correct definition next to each word

f___1. amendment

a. a serious or difficult responsibility

e___2. draft

b. statement that people can examine in order to


decide whether it’s true

i___3. reconcile

c. the treatment of people that is fair and morally



k___4. allegiance

d. s/one who disagrees publicly with a government

b___5. proposition

e. a plan that may have changes made to it

h___6. endow

f. a change made to a law or agreement

d___7. dissident

g. a serious public promise to do sth

c___8. justice

h. to give a talent, ability

k___9. grievance

i. become friendly again after a disagreement

a___10. burden

j. complaint about being treated in an unfair way

g___11. pledge

k. strong loyalty to a country

l___12. massacre

l. the action of killing of a lot of people

Comprehension Check

I. Discuss the questions on pages 66 and 68.

Consider the Issue (page 66).

1.America proclaimed its independence from the Crown. What/who did Russia become independent from?

2.When, in the course of human relations, it is necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that connect it to another?

Suggestions for Writing

In group of four, write a group composition about the following:

Some historians suggest that the American identity arouse from the need to defend the colonies’ interest against England. Do you think that a nation’s identity is formulated as a result of pressure coming from outside, or is it determined by internal factors such as geography and culture?

Think about your own nation’s experience in writing your paper.







1.What is Constitution?

2.Do you know when the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted?

3.Has it ever been revised? Why?

4.Would you recite or sing some of the lines from the National Anthem of the Russian Federation?

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

1.supplies – food, medicine, and equipment that you need to live or to perform some particular activity – снабжение, провиант

2.surrender – to say officially that you’ve been defeated, to yield, submit, give up

сдаться, уступить. Ant. resist

3.talks – discussions between important people from opposing sides designed to help them agree about the issue; pursue talks – have/hold – вести переговоры

4.treaty – an official written agreement between two or more countries – договор; Peace/trade treaty – мирный/тoрговый договор; ratify a treaty – give it formal approval by signing it or voting for it – утвердить официально, ратифицировать

5.Constitution – a set of basic laws or principles for a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed

confederation – a group of people or organizations that are united; cf federation – a country made up of individual states with the power to make their own decisions, but with a national government responsible for areas such as foreign policy and defense

6.convene – gather for a formal meeting; convention – (1) formal meeting ; cf congress; (2) formal agreement – конвенция, (3) way of behaving that is generally accepted as being normal – условность

7.Congress – group of people in the US who are elected to make laws

8.integrity – (1) the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles so that people respect and trust you = honesty – прямота, честность, цельность;

(2) quality of being complete or whole – целостность, неделимость, неприкосновенность

9.presiding officer – a person in charge of an official meeting, ceremony, or event–

председатель собрания, ведущий

10.settle arguments – to end an argument by making an agreement – уладить спор

11.tenure [`tenjэ(r)] the period of time during which s/one has an important job or is an elected official – пребывание в должности; cf term – (1) period of time during

which a politician or other official holds a job: term (in/of office); term (2) period of an agreement – срок действия договора

12.paramount – more important than all other things = overriding – первостепенный,

верховный, высший

13.legislative – relating to laws or the process of creating new laws, or a group of people who have the power to create new laws – законодательный; executive – the part of government that makes certain that laws are being used as planned – исполнительный; judiciary – the part of government that consists of all the judges and courts in a country – судебный

14.enactment – making a proposal into a law – закон, указ, введение закона в силу

15.submit – (1)to formally give sth to sb so that they can make a decision about it –

предложить, предоставить (к рассмотрению);


16.impeach – to formally accuse a public official of a serious crime especially in their job – предъявить обвинения (в государственном преступлении); поставить под сомнение; impeachment (n.)

17.empower – give more control, or power to do sth – уполномочить ; cf authorize

– to give official permission for sth to happen = permit; vest powers – to give s/one power or the right – наделять правами, полномочиями

18.stipulate – to say what is allowed or what is necessary – оговаривать, ставить условием, обусловливать

19.crucial – extremely important = vital – критический, решающий

20.treasury – the government department responsible for a country’s financial matters – казначейство, министерство финансов; казна

21.foster – to help sth to develop over a period of time – encourage, promote, nourish

– поощрять, благоприятствовать, способствовать

22.advocate – to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things, defend, argue for, plead for – защищать

23.fuse – become joined to form one thing – join, combine, merge – смешивать,


24.take office – enter upon the work which it is s/one’s duty to do in a public position especially in government service – вступить в должность

25.be entitled to – иметь право на

26.sufficient – enough, adequate – достаточный. Ant. deficient – недостаточный,


27.unanimous[ju:`nэ:nimэs] decision, vote, agreement – is one when everyone agrees with and supports – единодушный

28.provision (for) – part of an agreement or law – положение, постановление

29.revise – change, improve, or make additions to sth

Vocabulary Check

I. Fill the blanks with the words from the vocabulary list that correctly complete the sentence. Use the words in an appropriate form. Which word is the One Odd Out?

revise, paramount, unanimous, stipulate, surrender, term, submit, authorize, foster, advocate, integrity

1.The gang leaders finally ___ (surrendered) to the authorities.

2.This approach will ___ (foster) an understanding of environmental issues.

3.In 2004he was re-elected for a four-year ___ (term)

4.Passenger safety is of ___ (paramount) importance.

5.There is no point ___ (advocating) improved public transport unless we can pay for it.

6.The plan must be ___ (submitted) by 12 December.

7.This officer was ___ (authorized) to carry a gun.

8.The regulations ___ (stipulate) the maximum number of children allowed in a class.

9.I trust we as a nation will maintain our ___ (integrity) and influence.

10.The court ruled ___ (unanimously) in her favor.

II. Find the words in the text by their definitions.


1.showing complete agreement (unanimous)

2.to state, put forward a necessary condition (stipulate)

3.to give up to the enemy (surrender)

4.to make an agreement, reach a decision (settle arguments)

5.to put forward for opinion, decision, etc (submit)

6.to be given a right to (be entitled to)

7.making a proposal into a law (enactment)

8.accuse s/one of wrongdoing/of a crime about the State (impeach for)

9.formal agreement made and signed between nations (treaty)

10.to give power or authority to act (empower/vest powers)

11.to begin to work in a position (take office)

12.speak publicly in support of (advocate)

Comprehension Check

I. Answer the questions on page 72.

II.Agree (R) or disagree (W) with the statements.

1.Alexander Hamilton is the Father of the US Constitution. (W)

2.The Federalists expressed the interests of business and developing industries. (R)

3.The anti-federalists advocated strong national government. (W)

4.The Federalists feared anarchy and thought in terms of freedom. (R)

5.Jefferson feared freedom and thought in terms of order. (W)

6.National bank was designed by Jefferson. (W)

7.Rural interests were represented by Jefferson. (R)

8.Jefferson was strongly against Hamilton’s bill to establish a national bank because the Constitution forbade it (W)

9.Hamilton claimed that the Constitution was entitled to create such a bank. (W)

10 Washington declined Hamilton’s view. (W)

Consider the Issues

In group of four, consider the Issues:

1.Amendments are called that because they fix mistakes or correct omissions. Does it mean that they themselves can be changed?

2.Is the Constitution meant to be written in stone? Does it need to be “improved” and fixed” to be relevant and keep up with time?

TEST (Units10 11 pp. 63 – 73)


Guidelines: Chapter 5 provides information about Founding Fathers, first American presidents: George Washington (gratefully called “Father of His Country”), John Adams (sometimes called “Father of the US Navy”), Thomas Jefferson (remembered as Father of the Declaration), and James Madison (recognized as “Father of the


Constitution”, whose figures with their achievements and faults, fidelity to the Revolution and genius are portrayed against the historical background of the USA. 35 new words are compiled in Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List and introduce the students to key vocabulary items that are closely related to central themes in the reading (estimate, blueprint, fidelity, allies, embargo, withdrawal, ratify, invade, feasible, humility, impartial, credentials.

22 new words from the passage are extracted for the Vocabulary exercises of rephrase, matching, and definitions formats. The comprehension questions (Complete the sentences according to the text; Answer the questions) are intended to help to assess whether the class has grasped the main ideas and understood details from the readings. Discussion questions (Consider the Issue activities) encourage students to think over the impressive credentials the Founding Fathers could boast and to construct their own list of personal qualities and achievements which today’s officeholders could boast. The students are asked to exchange their opinions with their classmates and to discuss whether Founding Fathers’ genius would hold up against standards of today’s office-seekers and office-holders?


1.How many presidents have there been in the history of your country?

2.Who was the first president of your country?

3.When was he elected?

4.How long had he been in office?

Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy List

1.overestimate – to consider sth to be better than it really is – переоценивать; Ant. underestimate – недооценивать

2.flaw – a mistake or fault in sth that makes it useless or less effective; imperfection, defect – изъян, недостаток

3.accomplished – (1)good at doing sth that needs a lot of skill (in art, music, sport); gifted, able, talented; (2)very skillfully done

4.swivel chair – a chair with a seat that can turn around without you having to move the legs – вращающийся стул

5.transcend – go beyond, exceed – превышать, выходить за рамки

6.blueprint – a detailed plan for doing sth new, or sth that is a model for how sth should be done – наметка, проект, план

7.supple – гибкий, податливый; evolving – changing over a last period of time – pазвивающийся, видоизменяющийся

8.challenge (v.) – to refuse to accept s/one’s authority; to question whether sth is true, accurate, or legal – бросать вызов; оспаривать, ставить под сомнение

9.fidelity – loyalty to a principle, organization, or a person – преданность, верность.

Ant. infidelity

10.attorney general – the most senior lawyer – государственный прокурор

11.invader – a country, army that uses force to enter another country – оккупант,

захватчик; invade (v.) – вторгаться, оккупировать, invasion (n.)

12.vengeance – the act of harming(killing) s/one because they have done sth bad to you – revenge, retaliation – месть, возмездие


13.withdrawal – removal of soldiers, army from an area of fighting – выведение (войск);

14.allies – friends, partners, associates – союзники; alliance – association, union, agreement – союз, альянс

15.ratify – make an agreement official by signing it or formally accepting it –


16.decline – (1)to say politely that you will not accept or do sth = refuse, reject – отказать(ся), отклонить (предложение); (1)to become less or worse = go down –

снижаться, уменьшаться

17.feasible – possible or likely to succeed – выполнимый, осуществимый,


18.handicap – hinder, hamper – to give s/one a disadvantage – быть помехой,

испытывать затруднения; handicapped –disabled, crippled – страдающий физическим недостатком

19.sus`pect of – to believe that s/one has done sth bad –подозревать в; `suspect


20.alienate – to make sb feel that they do not belong to a group or place – отдалять

21.frugal – careful about spending money; simple, cheap, and not very big –умерен-

ный, бережливый cf.: thrifty; frugality (n.)

22.back down – отступление, отказ от притязаний

23.embargo – government order preventing trade with another country (place,/put impose//lift an embargo on sth)

24.discon`tent – the unhappy feeling that you have when you are no satisfied with sth, dissatisfaction – недовольство

25.`surplus – more of sth than is necessary – excess, remainder – избыток, излишки

26.keep in touch – to stay in contact; to continue to write or speak also you do not see them often – поддерживать связь

27.impress – вербовать силой; реквизировать имущество; impressments (n.)

28.incite – to encourage people to be violent or commit crimes by making them angry or excited stir up, provoke, arouse – подстрекать; incitement (n.)

29.vow – to seriously promise that you will do sth = pledge, swear – поклясться

30.hegemony [hi`dgэmэni] political control or influence, especially by one country over other countries

31.ruthless – willing to make other people suffer so that you can achieve your aims - pitiless, merciless, hardhearted – безжалостный, беспощадный

32.self-indulgent – allowing yourself to have or to do sth special – в угоду себе/

своим интересам

33.impartial – fair, unprejudiced, unbiased – бесстрастный, беспристрастный

34.humility – humbleness, a way of behaving that shows that you are not proud and not thinking that you’re better or more important than others – смирение,

скромность, покорность

35.credentials – personal qualities, achievements, or experiences that make s/one suitable for sth – reputation ; documents that prove who you are or shows your qualifications or status – рекомендация, характеристика, мандат, удостоверение личности

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