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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

so to analyse and critically reflect on their own experience of learning a foreign language using ICT.

Apart from "traditional" types of distance learning assignments and tasks, including various types of automatically checked tests and written assignments assessed by teachers the course includes interactive forms of work. They are a represented by "group distance learning tasks performed in the virtual communication space" [10, p. 261]: discussion and creation of the group Power Point presentations or Wikis, webinars, group discussions on the Moodle forum. These polylogic forms of communication allow to form a number of important competencies of the future foreign language teacher such as linguistic, discursive, strategic, social and cultural competences [11]. The interaction takes various forms while performing the tasks, for example:

-students interacting with each other, comparing points of view, arguing and discussing different opinions, defending their point of view, searching for a compromise in order to find a commonly accepted solution to the problem;

-students interacting with the teacher in distance format: teachers’ tasks in this case are to intensify the discussion, to argue the note, to create a positive atmosphere for communication in the framework of the forum, etc.

Finally, the course develops a number of professional competences specified in the Federal state standards in the field 44.04.01 "Teachers’ training":

-organising teaching and education using the technologies that reflect the specific character of the "foreign language" as a subject and are appropriate for the age and psychophysical characteristics of the students, including their special educational needs;

-designing the contents of courses, forms and methods of assessment and tests;

-designing the learning environments, including virtual learning environments, which ensure the quality of education;

-mastering modern techniques and innovative methods of teaching foreign languages.

-research, organisation and evaluation of the results of teachers’ work in educational process [12, p. 4-6].

The professional orientation of the course is ensured through the systematic implementation of the principle of the practical application of knowledge (loop input). In accordance with this principle at the end of the lesson students create parts of foreign language lessons on studied topics using ICT. They teach these lessons in their own group and further all the students discuss in French the advantages and the drawbacks of the lesson.

Students’ work during each lesson is regularly assessed using a complex system of assessment techniques. It includes, firstly, peer assessment that is assessment of other students work by students themselves according to a set list of criteria. The students justify their notes in a message on the forum, followed by a discussion of the notes in distance form. The second part of the final mark is the note given by the teacher for a particular assignment, as well as for students’ participation in discussions and peer assessment.

In general, the formative assessment is represented by the assessment of all kinds of work (presentations, essays, project tasks, tests, student’s participation in discussions), and summative assessment includes the results of assessing students’ lessons which then constitute a methodological portfolio of foreign language lessons using ICT.

Thus, the innovative nature of teaching French in the framework of the course "Profes- sionally-oriented communication in the second foreign language (French)" is due to the following factors:

-combination of widely used and tailor-made learning materials and methods in the virtual learning environment;

-organisation of the training on the basis of a modular approach to blended learning;

-use of blended learning, based on a combination of traditional forms of work in the classroom and distance learning;


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

-possibility to develop a whole range of competencies (communicative, professional, general) within a single discipline by including innovative forms of work along with the traditional ones;

-possibility to critically analyse the experience of learning a foreign language using ICT, followed up by the introduction of innovative forms of work in teaching practice of the future teachers.

The experience of blended learning shows that this approach to training future teachers creates optimal conditions for the development of the necessary professional skills of future foreign language teachers.

Bibliographic list

1.Safonova V. So-izuchenie yazykov i kul'tur v zerkale mirovyh tendencij razvitiya sovremennogo yazykovogo obrazovaniya // Yazyk i kul'tura. – 2014. – № 4 (25). – S. 123–

138.URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/soizuchenie-yazykov-i-kultur-v-zerkale-mirovyh- tendentsiy-razvitiya-sovremennogo-yazykovogo-obrazovaniya (vremya obrashcheniya – 25.12.15).

2.Martynova O.V. innovacionnye komponenty v processe obuchenija inostrannym jazykam kak sredstvo povyshenija motivacii izuchenija nemeckogo jazyka / O.V. Martynova // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 2(22). – S. 107-116.

3.Safonova V.V. Internet-orientirovannaya metodika obucheniya RKI: problemy, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya / V.V. Safonova // Materialy vystupleniya. XII Kongress

Mezhdunarodnoj Associacii prepodavatelej russkogo yazyka i literatury «Russkij yazyk i literatura vo vremeni i prostranstve», 10-15 maya 2011, SHanhaj, KNR. – 37 s. URL: http://www.euro-school.org/materials/Speech%201.pdf (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.11.15).

4.Tracey R. On-line courses must die! URL: https://ryan2point0.wordpress.com/2010/07/07/online-courses-must-die/ (vremya obrashcheniya – 22.11.15).

5.Develotte C. Former aux tutorats synchrone et asynchrone en langues / C. Develotte, F. Mangenot // Distances et savoirs. – 2010. – №3 (Vol. 8). – p. 345-359. URL: http://www.cairn.info/revue-distances-et-savoirs-2010-3-page-345.htm (vremya obrashcheniya – 15.12.15).

6.Kostina E.V. Model' smeshannogo obucheniya (Blended Learning) i ee ispol'zovanie v prepodavanii inostrannyh yazykov // Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Seriya: Gumanitarnye nauki. – 2010. – T. 1. – № 2. – S. 141-144.

7.Sherbakova M.V. Modul'noe obuchenie v vysshem professional'nom obrazovanii: ot teorii k praktike realizacii / M. V. Sherbakova, E. YU. Chaika // Vestnik VGU. Seriya: Problemy vysshego obrazovaniya. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 72-76.

8.Hofmann J. Blended Learning / J. Hofmann. – American Society for Training and Development, 2011 – 20 p. URL: https://books.google.ru/books?id=jtopL2mwRo4C&pg=PA4&dq=blended+learning+definiti on&hl=ru&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=blended%20learning%20definition&f=false (vremya obrashcheniya - 20.12.15) .

9.Albero B. Attitudes et préférences des usagers face à la formation ouverte et à distance. Les leçons d'une enquête / B. Albero, A. Kaiser // Distances et savoirs. – 2009. – №1 (Vol.

7). – P. 31-37.

10.Jézégou A. Créer de la présence à distance en e-learning. Cadre théorique, définition, et dimensions clés / A. Jézégou // Distances et savoirs. – 2010. – №2 (Vol. 8). – p. 257-274. URL: http://www.cairn.info/revue-distances-et-savoirs-2010-2-page-257.htm (vremya obrashcheniya – 15.01.16).


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

11.Nenasheva T.A. Faktory jeffektivnosti obshhenija v poliloge / T.A. Nenasheva // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i me- todiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp. 4(24). – S. 115-124.

12.Federal'nyj gosudarstvennyj obrazovatel'nyj standart vysshego obrazovaniya. Uroven' vysshego obrazovaniya Magistratura. Napravlenie podgotovki 44.04.01. – URL: http://minobrnauki.rf/%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B D%D1%82%D1%8B/5034/%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB/4029/Prikaz_%E2%84 %96_1505_ot_21.11.2014.pdf (vremya obrashcheniya – 20.11.15).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

UDC 81’33-004.81: 159.953.52

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Institute of Foreign Philology

Lecturer, External Doctorate Student

of the Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Aliye Zairovna Abdurakhmanova

e-mail: ab.aliye.8@gmail.com

A.Z. Abdurakhmanova



The terminological domain «Civil engineering» is analyzed for the purpose of the formation of the subject field’s frame model. Different approaches of the term system modeling are considered. Besides, the frame modeling importance and necessity for the term system systematization and knowledge regulation of the subject field being studied is discussed. Frame model / schema «Civil engineering» is presented by means of five basic frames: «building projects», «engineering geology», «building materials and products», «structural engineering», «building processes» which forms the core of the frame «building projects». The further terminological analysis within the frame model is carried out in addition to the analysis of terms’ definitions and the stratification of the terms on the basis of the distinctive features, partial and hyperonym-hyponym relations. Thus, the frame structure of the civil engineering terminology is represented by means of the complex hierarchical system of concepts that reveals the fundamental and essential features of the studied subject area and makes it possible to find its optimal lexicographical representation.

Keywords: frame model, subconcept, frame, hyperonym-hyponym correlations, correlations part-whole, term system, sphere of concepts, subframe.

The intensive development of the various spheres of science and human activity stimulates researchers to study the correlation between terminology systems and language and cognitive mechanisms in the professional communication field. In linguistics of our country there have been made a number of attempts to develop the theoretical and practical aspects of civil engineering terminology. The field of scientific interests of researchers had been changing depending on a period of time. During the1970s and1980s the first works were devoted to the study of the genesis, formation and structure of the terminology of that subject field. Besides, the authors of these works emphasized the international character of the terminology due to the fact that the architectural and civil engineering terminology of the most Western European languages has developed on the basis of the vocabulary of Greek and Latin origin [1; 2]. The researches of later period indicate that the study of the general lexical and semantic features of civil engineering terminology and some of its areas in the systematic and cognitive aspects was of great importance [3]. Despite the fact that the civil engineering terminology has existed independently for more than 70 years, there are no researches devoted to the integrated linguistic modeling of civil engineering terminology, and the question of representations of domain-specific knowledge is still open.


© Abdurakhmanova A.Z., 2016


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

This research is intended to fill this void. The purpose of this paper is the construction of the integrated frame model (cognitive map) of English civil engineering terminology that makes it possible to get an overview of the structure of the subject field under research with the subsequent development of the systematizing thesaurus of civil engineering terminology.

The construction of the frame model of the subject filed "Civil engineering" is based on two approaches that are both considered to be the analysis stages. The first one involves the study of special texts and lexicographical sources to extract the terminological information. The second one is supposed to involve the engineers for expert evaluation of received information. Terminological units of this research were obtained from following sources as monolingual, multilingual terminological dictionaries and thesauruses, compiled by master civil engineers, architects and linguists; collections of terms, glossaries, civil engineering articles, journals, work-books, reports, technical documentation [1*, 1**, 2**] (for more details about term sources see our article [4]). It should be noted that the process of extracting information is very valuable, because during this process it is being revealed the conceptual and frame structure of the subject filed, and the categories of general and basic levels are defined. As a result, we have a standard structure applicable to all frame structure levels.

Taking into consideration the idea of M. Minsky [5] that the frame can be represented as a set of hypothetically asked questions which answers are used to reveal the structure of the subject area and / or the situation, a number of terminologists applied this method for the analysis of the professional terminology field representing the field as a conceptual frame model [6; 7]. According to this technique, the questions are asked twice - to determine the frame and to update and reflection of its content [8].

Besides, the hierarchical structure of the terminological system can be represented as the classification according to the categories of the concept represented by the term. This theory was developed by Austrian scientist Eugen Wüster and Russian terminologist D.

Lotte, the further research was held by T. L. Kandelaky. In her works she built the pyramid of seven conceptual categories displaying the "system of values of scientific and technical terminology": subjects (objects); processes; states; features; quantities and units of measurement; science and industries; professions and occupations [9]. The concept "category" is known in linguistics as general, basic classes reflecting the characteristics, properties and correlation of the phenomena of surrounding reality.

Based on the concepts of cognitive linguistics and cognitive science of terminology (N. N. Boldyrev (2002 [3]), E. S. Cubryacova (1997 [10]), Z. D. Popova, I. A. Sternin (2001 [11]), V. F. Novodranova (1998 [12]), L. A. Manerko (2003 [13]), P. Faber (2009 [14]) Z.Ye. Fomina (2013 [15]) and others), the professional knowledge field / subject filed can be represented as the sphere of concepts [16; 17]. The definition of language as a cognitive phenomenon comes from the fact that it transfers information about the world and directly pertains to its structure, storage and representation, ensuring the consistency of the communicative processes during which the vast knowledge layers are being transmitted and used [18]. The significance of the sphere of concepts CIVIL ENGINEERING in human life and humanity cannot be overstated. Defining the sphere of concepts CIVIL ENGINEERING as a hierarchical cognitive unit, we point out the subordinate frames in its structure following the natural sequence of the construction process. When distributing the language material according to the semantic classes on semantic classes, first of all we were guided by professional knowledge of the given subject field which were taken from the specialized literature on civil engineering in the English and Russian languages. The terminological units were extracted from a number of sources as a result of continuous sampling. The subject field CIVIL ENGINEERING is a vast knowledge area which is represented in the different types of texts mainly of a professional character. It should be noted that it is impossible to cover all characteristics of this subject filed in one linguistic research. Therefore, at this stage of


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

the research our objective was to select the most relevant sources for the research comprising both normative and usual terms of the subject area under study. Then the stage of establishing the relation between the terms under research and the construction industry followed. To solve this problem it was applied both English and Russian dictionaries on civil engineering in print and electronic versions, as well as workbooks and handbooks. By means of the analytical processing of these sources and the formal selection criteria (the principle of frequency and prevalence) the list of 5,500 civil engineering terms was formed.

The semantic categorization of English terms on civil engineering is based on the established experience of the construction process categorization and the principles of concept parameterization developed by L. G. Babenko: "the concept as a mental entity and its representation is united by the indissoluble ties: the concept is represented by different units which form together certain mental field. As a consequence, the study of mental essence of the concept involves the study of its representation and vice versa, the study of different concept representations leads to generalizations concerning its mental entity" [19]. As a result, this categorization can be represented schematically as a chain of categories at the various levels:

supercategories superframe,

macrocategories frame,

basic categories subframe,

differential and semantic groups slots.

Thus, in this research the mental field of the concept «Civil engineering» can be represented as a set of hierarchically arranged elements. The largest unit in the hierarchy is superframe - the cognitive unit comprising smaller units as the frames, which contain subframes –smaller cognitive units including the smallest units in this hierarchy - slots, representing the variative component characteristics of the higher levels.

The frame structure implies the whole set of components that represent the studied area of professional knowledge. According to the theory of M. Minsky, human thinking structures knowledge into a complex hierarchy of the frames that he related with a network of nodes and links between them (superframes, frames, subframes, slots, terminals). The subframe is the section of the frame that contains both integral and differential information about the sites the field of knowledge. Full value implementation of the frame is done by subdivision it into subordinate structural elements - slots - in cognitive linguistics they are called proposition. They are the units of data storage in memory and represent the relationships characterizing objects and events. As noted above, the frame has a hierarchical (atomic) structure and, according to V. V. Krasnyh, has a pyramidal shape; on the lower level of the frame are located the terminals [20]. At present time, in linguistics it is represented the following classification of slots based on the frame theory of M. Minsky [5]:

1)the upper level slots correlated with information that is always exact and reliable for the assumed situation;

2)the lower level slots or subslots including the amount of elementary actions and specific features;

3)the terminals containing invariant features and characteristics.

Thus, the first stage of the classification of selected terminological units consisted in identifying the basic concepts of civil engineering sphere of concepts on the basis of definitional analysis and relating them to general categories. As a result, at the first level of the hierarchy of the term system under research there were identified seven fundamental categories and concepts that form the industry under study and its professional knowledge. On the


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

basis of these general categories as an object, place, means, structure, stages, methods /processes there were selected the following concepts (Fig. 1):

1)Building projects category "object";

2)Engineering geology category "place";

3)Surveying category "place";

4)Building materials and products category "means";

5)Building constructions category "structure";

6)Structural engineering category "stages";

7)Building processes category "methods / processes".

During the formation of the cognitive and conceptual stratums, and relating the nominative units to one of them, along with the method of questioning which was proposed by M. Minsky, we used the semantic and logical criterion the essence of which is to identify the common semantic component of the definitions that represent the most common categorical meaning of the term terminated by this terminological unit. This process was implemented by means of componential analysis of the terminological meaning which together with the method of step identification allowed of definition decomposition into the semantic components, i.e. terminological semes.

An important stage of the frame scheme formation is the identification of its main constituents. Having researched the conceptual content of the real fragments of construction activity united by a common semantic component building / construction, we have defined the central part of the sphere of concepts Civil Engineering as the frame “building projects”. The methods of verbalization of any concept are defined through genre and stylistic features of the cognitive process [21]. Any construction activity is aimed at the erection of a new project or the reconstruction of an existing one.




















Materials and








Fig. 1. The Frame scheme the term system «Civil engineering»

Thus, the sphere of concepts / hyperframe Civil Engineering is a multilevel hierarchical structure which consists of seven key concepts or frames. Each of the frames is filled with specific information and displays the logical structure of domain-specific knowledge that is reliable for the current state of the construction industry. All the frames that were se-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

lected on the basis of differentiation of the concept according to its invariant conceptual features are divided into different slots, i.e. subframes and frames of the third level, which will be analyzed in detail by us. The maximum number of hierarchy levels is 4, minimal one is 2. The bulk of terms (80%) is characterized by a three-stage hierarchy. Basic concepts are represented by one-word and two-word terms. Concepts that fill the frames at lower hierarchy levels are expressed by three-, four-word terms and this indicates language specification of conceptual content.

Let us take a closer look at each selected frame of sphere of concepts «Civil Engineering». As noted above, the nuclear frame is considered to be the frame «BUILDING PROJECTS» due to the fact that it was selected on the basis of the category of "object" and represents the main concept that defines the rest structure of the sphere of concepts. The hierarchical structure of the frame can be represented by four basic concepts, each of which is divided into more specific slots of lower levels:

1)civil buildings and structures (grazhdanskie zdanija) residential buildings (family-private dwelling; apartment buildings; lodging house); public buildings (educational institutions; culture and entertainment centers; transport service buildings; religious buildings; penal institution; research institutions; institutions of tourism and recreation; trade, catering and domestic service; public utilities buildings; multifunctional buildings; mercantile buildings);

2)industrial buildings and structures (promyshlennye zdanija) factory building; energy; storage building; auxiliary buildings and facilities;

3)agricultural buildings and structures cattle-breeding buildings; storage facilities; poultry farming buildings; buildings for agricultural products processing;

4)engineering buildings and structures bridges; motorways; tunnels.

The identification of the categorical concepts on several levels is of great importance for the formulation of classifying definitions of concepts and it is necessary in the formation of systematizing thesaurus.

The category "place" is the basis of the formation of the frame «ENGINEERING GEOLOGY» which is one of the most important and the main categories of the subject field Civil Engineering forms the core of the professional area under research. It should be noted that any construction activity starts with the building site study and is an obligatory stage of the preparatory work during the construction of any object, whether it is a multi-storey residential building, low-rise construction, cottage, warehouse, hangar, tunnel or utility corridor. The category Geology can be represented in terms of three categorical characteristics and concepts that represent the logical structure of this category:

1)geological bodies: rock types; rock weathering;

2)sub-soils and soils: geological phenomena and processes; types and properties of soils; structure;

3)geological mapping: geological structures; in-situ investigation; geological maps.

The main purpose of geological surveys is to determine the state and dynamics of the surface layers of the earth's crust (soils). The main objective of this phase involves the consideration of the geological phenomena and processes (landslides, rockfalls, karst and etc.), which define the construction conditions of engineering projects (bridges, buildings, roads,


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

dams and etc.). It is necessary to carry out the surveying works on the building site to determine the most reliable exact design solution for a particular plot of land, which makes it possible to increase the safety of the structure while minimizing the costs. The quality of engineering and geological surveys influences on the level of structure’s safety, freedom from the accidents, and, first of all, the people’s safety. Therefore, this category ranks a central part during the civil engineering study. We have built the frame «Engineering Geology» within the cognitive approach based on selected features of the concepts.

Next frame "SURVEYING" has derived from the category "place" and represents the second stage of the construction process. For successful implementation of innovative solutions in the field of design and construction it is necessary to carry out geodetic works to ensure the accurate compliance with the geometric parameters of buildings and structures of the plan under the design. Moreover, it is impossible and forbidden to start construction and installation works without the act of completion of geodetic layout. According to the surveying functions we have identified three subframes within this frame:

1)field work, measurements and leveling: distance measurement; theodolite and transverse measurement; leveling;

2)computing and data processing;


The selected categories fully represent the nature and sequence of geodetic works on the construction site, which served as a basis for creation of the frame «Surveying».

Next it was analyzed in detail the frame «STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING» selected on the basis of the category "stages", representing the most important stage of actual construction. The quality of the final result (durability, quality, competitiveness, cost) depends on how correctly and professionally the design work will be carried out. The design of residential and public buildings is fulfilled in several steps, there were selected two subframes based on the conceptual features:

1)Statutory authorities and permissions: agreements; plan and project; permissions and requirements.

2)Design data: typical building tolerances; basic tools for structural analysis.

The project documentation includes a phased approval according to the established order of the set of technical documents containing drawings, technological, structural, economic and other computations with the explanatory notes required for the technical reequipment, reconstruction, expansion of the existing project or the one under construction. All design calculations require a set of necessary design data as the results of engineering surveys (frames 2 and 3), these space-planning and constructive solutions which provide the location of the main and ancillary facilities, shops taking into account their size and scope, and the choice of the most suitable building materials, structures. An integral part of the project is the estimate documents determining the necessary expenses on the construction of the object.

The fact that experts should determine the construction solutions of the building project and pay special attention to the choice of materials and structural elements during the preparation of project documentation and drawings at the design stage facilitated the differentiation of the category “means”. The decision is made with the consideration of the results of geological and geodetic surveys, climatic conditions of the terrain, degree of safety for health and the environment, maximum durability, ability to replace and maintainability of the material. Currently a wide range of building materials is offered and the main principle of selection is their quality, cost and manufacturability. The frame BUILDING


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 1 (12), 2016

MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS” reflects the basic classification of building materials in accordance with the type of the principal composite substances and their properties. The hierarchical structure is formed of five subframes: organic materials; inorganic materials; metals and metal products; miscellaneous building materials; characteristic of materials and products. Further, the subframe characteristic of materials and products is divided into constituent detail frames of the lower level on the basis of a conceptual characteristic “description type”: physical properties, mechanical properties, imperfections, defects.

The category "structure" resulted in the formation of the frame “BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS” and represents basic types of structures depending on their location in the building and functional characteristics. It consists of two subframes, which are divided into the frames of the third level:

1)substructure: foundation; footing;

2)superstructure: walls; masonry; flooring; doors and windows; lintels and stairs;


An important stage of the construction process is also the organization of construction operations, which is considered to be the beginning of the actual construction and installation works, so this caused the development of the category "methods / processes". The project of construction operations organization is prepared to ensure timely putting into operation the productive capacity and construction projects of the lowest costs and keeping the high quality by improving the organizational and technical level of construction. The next frame “BUILDING PROCESSES” represents the process described above by means of five subframes and three frames of other lower level.

The subframes as smaller cognitive units are divided into microframes - the smallest units in their hierarchy which are considered to be the invariant components. Thus, the tree structure of the frame under consideration is presented as a three-level system, each component of which is different in size, structure and compound constituents. Let's take a closer look at each of the levels. The subframe general construction works is a body of knowledge about the basic concepts and processes that are present both at the design and completion stages. The hyperonim construction works is classified into four slots: development works; building construction works; finishing work; metal works; concrete works.

The subframe installation works represents the process of installation of some elements into the structures under construction. The role of the information attached to this subframe is a little different because it implies the involvement of a particular body of knowledge from the related engineering fields, such as heating, ventilation and airconditioning, water resources management, electricity supply. All other work dealing with the installation of various components is comprised by the previous subframe. The subframe installation works falls into following slots of specific classification level: electricity supply; plumbing works; HVAC works.

An analysis of the texts and the selection of terms sample showed that the subframes general building operations; installation works are mainly represented by verbs or nouns derived from them, meaning the fulfillment of particular activities that disclose various manifestations of the construction processes, conditions and relationships.

The subframe labour force contains the terminological units, drawn from the economic filed, and lexemes nominating the specifics of professional activities. This frame fragment represents the stereotypical knowledge about the processes related to the people involved into the construction process. The following definition shows their place in the construction process:

human resources available for or employed in a particular job of work; those employed by a company or for a particular project.

As part of this subframe we have identified two slots: 83