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1. Learn the words and word combinations:

to support


working outline

рабочий план

to document


to keep in mind

всегда помнить

to rely


to make sure


to explore




to narrow down

обозначить границы

to belong






to gather data

собрать данные

by referring

по ссылке





to make an argument


common staple

обычный элемент





to convey


to bring together

сводить вместе





mental image

мысленный образ

to recall






in contradistinction

в отличие







the interested party

заинтересованные лица

to lack

не иметь





2. Read and translate the text:


In many ways, a research paper is an effort to answer a question or a series of questions. From this, the researcher forms a main idea (that is, a thesis) on which to base the writing of the paper. Therefore, a research paper is a form of writing based upon a thesis supported by facts, figures, statistics, and other writers' carefully documented ideas. The purpose of a research paper is to analyze and interpret information while making valid conclusions based upon the research.

Remember that to write a research paper you must:

1.Rely on more than your own personal opinions and experiences.

2.Choose a topic and explore it: narrow down the topic; formulate a research focus; gather data; write a thesis statement.

3.Make an argument: select the supporting details, facts, and statistics; prepare a working outline.

4.Bring a conclusion: bring together the main ideas of the paper; repeat the thesis on the paper.

5.Write your notes, records, and plans in English.

6.Always ask your instructor for make sure of the direction of your paper before proceeding with the research.

Once you have collected and analyzed the information you need you can begin to determine your article design. When writing a research paper you must communicate your own ideas, but you must also include other writers’ and speakers’ ideas. In addition, you will need to refer to facts, figures, statistics, and other information from other sources. Therefore, it is your responsibility to document your writing by making clear, which ideas are your own and which ideas belong to others. All of this

must follow special rules for documenting sources that are not your own opinion by referring.

Another concern is how to illustrate your writing. Most people are familiar with tables, charts, and graphs – they are a common staple of business reports, newspapers, and even television news. However, few people understand why particular data are shown using particular kinds of tables, charts, or graphs. In determining when to use words and when to use tables and other illustrations, keep the following criteria in mind as you are developing a draft. Tables, charts, and graphs are better than words when:

you have complex numerical or statistical data to convey;

you are describing something that requires the reader to form a mental image in order to understand it;

you want to present information in a form the reader will be able to recall easily. Abstracts (an article) are far more than a oneor two-page piece of writing on a

particular subject written for publication in scientific journals. They are also considered as a way to answer a particular question but only one in contradistinction to the research paper. Abstracts should contain at least an introduction to the matter, its brief description, and sometimes probable benefits for the interested party. As a rule, they lack illustrations and references.

3. Continue the sentences:

1.A research paper is…

2.А researcher forms…

3.The purpose of a research paper is…

4.You can begin to determine…

5.You must communicate…

6.You must also include…

7.You will need to refer to…

8.It is your responsibility to…

9.Another concern is how to…

10.Most people are familiar with…

11.Few people understand why data…

12.You are developing a…

13.You are describing…

14.You want to present…

15.Abstracts should contain at least…

4.Ask ten general or special questions to the text.

5.Write the heads (main theses) of your scientific research in English.


1. Learn the words and word combinations:




to lift out












to reduce



spoken form

устная форма

information (data)

передача (данных)

main contents
















important points

важные вопросы

to facilitate search

облегчать поиск






to open



to descend







разумное объяснение

to frame







2. Read and translate the text:


The reading of original literature is crucial to get the latest information. Summary (abstract, précis) and annotation have become important forms of such information providing. These forms can essentially reduce the specialists’ time of information (data) processing.

Summary is a short written account of something, which gives the important points but not the details. It is usually opens an article or a report. It can be considered as a shortened version of an original. The summary is expected to be about a sixth or a tenth of the original in length. It is usually far easier to write it after you have read the original. First, go through it lifting out important information, findings, conclusions and recommendations. It is necessary to avoid including excessive background and detail. Sometimes the summary may take a spoken form. To prepare a summary you should: 1. Study the work carefully. 2. Make definite opinion of what has been read. 3. Develop the appropriate style of writing. 4. Communicate accurately the author's conclusions. 5. Write briefly and clearly.

Annotation is the extremely brief account of the main contents like the list of major problems. If the purpose of summary is to get the reader acquainted with the main contents of the original and the substitute it to some degree, the annotation considers only the article's or the book's topic and facilitates search of necessary information on the subject. To make annotation, you should do the following: 1. Write down the name of the original (article or book) in English. 2. Translate this into Russian. 3. Write down the publishing data of the article (book). 4. Resume briefly (in 3-6 sentences) the contents of the original. The following phrases normally open summaries and annotations:

The article is concerned with . . .; This work deals with . . .; This work is devoted to . . .; Mention was made of the new achievements in the field of. . .; Special emphasis is laid on . . .; Particular attention is given to . . .; Notice has been taken to . . .; It is known (thought) that. . .; A new method (approach) has been proposed . . .; The author conies to the conclusions . . .; The work is of primary interest (importance, value) for. . . and so on.

One manager who had trouble summarizing a lengthy report discovered a helpful technique. He imagined that he and his boss got on the elevator on the 35th floor and rode down to the lobby. His boss remarked, «I just got your report on the new sales incentive plan. What's it all about?» The manager would – in the time it takes an elevator to descend 35 floors – give his boss the rationale, findings, and recommendations of the report. Depending on how tall your building is – or how fast or slow the elevators are – you may want to try this technique to help you frame your summary.

3. Continue the sentences:

1.The reading of original literature is …

2.These forms can essentially reduce …

3.The summary is expected to be …

4.It is necessary to avoid …

5.Sometimes the summary may take …

6.The annotation considers only …

7.You may want to try …

4. Write business letters on the following subjects:

1.Чтение оригинальной литературы необходимо для получения новейшей информации.

2.Аннотация и реферат позволяют существенно сэкономить время специалистов. Аннотация еще короче, чем реферат.

3.Реферат – это краткое резюме каких-либо материалов в письменном виде. Его можно рассматривать как сокращенную версию оригинала.

4.Начинайте писать реферат, только прочитав оригинал. Избегайте излишних рассуждений и деталей. Объем реферата составляет от 1/6 до 1/10 объема оригинала.

5.Выучите типичные фразы, с которых начинается аннотация или реферат.

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Пригласите вашего партнера по бизнесу на конференцию.

2.Сообщите вашему адресату о вашем исследовании и отправьте ему ваш реферат.

3.Предложите вашему клиенту вашу продукцию.

4.Поблагодарите вашего коллегу за приглашение на семинар.


1. Learn the words and word combinations:

for different

по разным причинам

on different subjects

на разные темы








тезисы доклада,









to deliver a speech

выступать с речью

to devise


to differ


to emphasize


in common


to tailor






to identify








language points

особенности языка

to рay special attention

обращать особое






правила вежливости

memorable bits






to be well groomed

хорошо выглядеть

eye contact

визуальный контакт





2. Read and translate the text:


You may speak on public for different reasons, on different subjects, to people of different business culture and personal taste. The speaker may want:

to inform the audience about some subject matter;

to introduce some subject matter;

to encourage the audience to make a decision;

to sell goods/ services.

However, delivering speeches will be almost the same in structure. Language points will differ a little. All good speeches have two things in common: the underlying structure and the language points, which typically arise to serve this structure.

If you are going to deliver a speech, you must first have a plan. You should know exactly where and when the report is to be made. Having a clear idea of what the people in the audience are: their knowledge on the subject, status, age, business culture, specific interests – these help identify the needs of the audience. The information you are going to present should be tailored to meet the needs of the listeners. You should also devise the most appropriate format and sketch out for the use of demonstration materials and handouts. After providing answers to seven basic questions: why?, to whom?, what?, where?, when?, how long?, how?, you get down the plan of the report. It may be as follows:

1.Greeting / Introducing oneself;

2.Introducing the subject;

The staff wants a salary rise of 100%. Your company car is 10 years old!
Your best customer wants a 5% discount. You work 7 days a week.

3.Describing the sequence;

4.Starting the report itself;

5.Moving to the next point;



8.Thanking/ Inviting questions.

You should make all the necessary preparations (audio-visual material, etc.) beforehand. Pay special attention to the opening and closing courtesies as the most memorable bits. Appear before the audience well groomed. Maintain eye contact and use body language to emphasize your talk. When answering questions from the audience, be sure you understand the question. Keep to the point, make your answers as brief as possible. Be friendly and flexible, try to react to the situation. Keep the time limit of your talk.

3. Your friend is an owner of a small enterprise. He shares his problems with


Give him your advices using the following word combination I think you should…

4. Your friend is temporary unemployed. He asks your advice. Compose your recommendations using the following word combinations I think you should… I think you shouldn’t … , and putting them at the beginning of the sentences:

1.Attend more job interviews.

2.Use a recruitment agency.

3.Spend more time with your friends.

4.Stay in contact with former colleagues.

5.Learn a new skill like English or using a PC.

6.Spend more time with your family.

7.Meet other unemployed people.

8.Spend forty hours a week looking for a job.

5. Write your resume according to the following plan:

Цель получения

Если Вы претендуете на конкретную работу, то

данной должности

укажите следующее:


I am seeking a responsible position in area of...



Опыт работы,


Если Вы пишете общее резюме и не преследуете цель

и умения (SUMMARY

получить конкретную должность, то пишите так:



Extensive experience in ...





Перечисляйте в хронологическом порядке:


По окончанию учебного заведения Вы получили



ЧТО: степень/ диплом/ свидетельство



ГДЕ: школа/ институт



КОГДА: дата окончания

Опыт работы (WORK

Перечисляйте в порядке от последнего места работы


к первому:



КЕМ ВЫ РАБОТАЛИ: должность



ГДЕ: место работы



ЧТО Вы делали? (Кратко изложите, чем Вы



занимались на работе и что Вы умеете делать.)



КОГДА Вы это делали? (Укажите даты начала и



окончания работы.)

Особые навыки /

Осваивали ли Вы какие-либо новые специальности,

курсы (SPECIAL

скажем, в специализированных школах, на военной


службе или на своем рабочем месте?



Есть ли у Вас водительские права или другие






Если есть, то укажите,



КАКИЕ, ГДЕ Вы их получили, КОГДА, СРОК их




Особые заслугт

Получали ли Вы какие-либо грамоты, премии,








КАКИЕ, ГДЕ и КТО Вас награждал?

Знание иностранных

На КАКИХ языках Вы читаете, пишете, говорите?

языков (LANGUAGE

Укажите степень владения языком. Вносите эту



информацию только в том случае, если достаточно



хорошо знаете язык.

По просьбе


Добавьте эту фразу, но не указывайте конкретных

работодателя могу
















(ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Сведения о возрасте, поле и семейном положении не являются обязательными.)

Библиографический список

Основная литература:

1. Белякова Е. И. Английский для аспирантов [Электронный ресурс]: Учебное пособие / Е.И. Белякова. - М.: Вузовский учебник: НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2014. - 188 с. - ЭБС «Знаниум» -

Режим доступа: http://www.znanium.com/ - Загл. с экрана.

Дополнительная литература:

1. Илунина А.А., Иностранный язык. Терминологический словарь по технологии лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств [Текст]: для бакалавров и магистров по направлению подгот. 250400 – Технология лесозаготов. и деревоперераб. пр-в / А. А. Илунина, Л. В. Дворникова, Ю. Ю. Дубровина; А. А. Илунина, Л. В. Дворникова, Ю. Ю. Дубровина; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Фед. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования "Воронеж. гос. лесотехн. акад." . - Воронеж, 2014. - 127









доступа: http://www.vglta.vrn.ru/BiblSite/elcat.htm - Загл. с экрана.

2.Милованова, И. В. Английский язык [Текст] : термин. словарь по лесн. делу и ландшафт. архитектуре / И. В. Милованова ; И. В. Милованова ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Фед. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования "Воронеж. гос. лесотехн. акад.". - Воронеж, 2014. - 180 с. Электронная версия в ЭБС ВГЛТА. - Режим доступа: http://www.vglta.vrn.ru/BiblSite/elcat.htm - Загл. с экрана.

3.Дворникова Л. В. Иностранный язык. Deutsch fur Aspiranten [Текст] : учеб. пособие : для аспирантов и соискателей всех специальностей / Л. В. Дворникова, М. В. Чернышова; ВГЛТА. - Воронеж, 2013. - 96 с. - Электронная версия в ЭБС ВГЛТА. Режим доступа: http://www.vglta.vrn.ru/BiblSite/elcat.htm - Загл. с экрана.

4.Терминологический словарь по экономическим дисциплинам [Текст] : доп. УМО по образованию в обл. производств. менеджмента в качестве учеб. словаря для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности 080502 - Экономика и упр. на предприятии лесн. хоз-ва и лесн. пром-сти : в 3 ч. Ч. 1 / Т. В. Коновалова [и др.] ; Т. В. Коновалова, Е. А. Маклакова, Н. В. Татаринцева, Е. С. Ефремова; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Фед. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования "Воронеж. гос. лесотехн. акад.". -

Воронеж, 2012. - 140 с. - Электронная версия в ЭБС ВГЛТА-


доступа: http://www.vglta.vrn.ru/BiblSite/elcat.htm - Загл. с экрана.


5. Терминологический словарь по экономическим дисциплинам [Текст] : доп.

УМО по

образованию в обл. производственного менеджмента в качестве учеб. словаря для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности 080502 - Экономика и упр. на предприятии лесн. хозва и лесн. пром-сти : в 3 ч. Ч. 2 / Т. В. Коновалова [и др.] ; Т. В. Коновалова, Е. А. Маклакова, Н. В. Татаринцева, Е. С. Ефремова; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Фед. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования "Воронеж. гос. лесотехн. акад.". -

Воронеж, 2012. - 136 с. - Электронная версия в ЭБС ВГЛТА-


доступа: http://www.vglta.vrn.ru/BiblSite/elcat.htm - Загл. с экрана.


6. Терминологический словарь по экономическим дисциплинам [Текст] : доп.

УМО по

образованию в обл. производственного менеджмента в качестве учеб. словаря для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности 080502 - Экономика и упр. на предприятии лесн. хозва и лесн. пром-сти : в 3 ч. Ч. 3 / Т. В. Коновалова [и др.] ; Т. В. Коновалова, Е. А. Маклакова, Н. В. Татаринцева, Е. С. Ефремова; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Фед. гос. бюджет. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования "Воронеж. гос. лесотехн. акад.". - Воронеж, 2012. - 120 с. - Электронная версия в ЭБС ВГЛТАРежим доступа: http://www.vglta.vrn.ru/BiblSite/elcat.htm - Загл. с экрана.

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