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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book. Ключи - 2011

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Exercise VIII (p. 334)

1.Dropping on his knees, he tried to get nearer to that troubled face.

2.Walking into the centre of the great drawing-room, he stood still.

3.Having taken the paper with him, he retired to his study. 4. Hesitating, Ann searched for the right words that were in her mind. 5. Having flushed darkly, she took up the picture quickly and turned its back to John. 6. Lifting the telephone, she answered “Yes?”. 7. I paused, not quite knowing how to express myself. 8. Thinking about these things, Stephen made himself ill. 9. Carrying a suitcase in either hand, he stepped out on the landing. 10. Looking up, he caught the amused look in Edward’s eyes and flushed darkly. 11. Turning away, he walked through the hospital. 12. The light from the shaded piano-candle fell on her neck leaving her face rather in shadow. 13. While in London at that time, Peter often visited the British Museum. 14. Having taken place in Paris early in the month, the conference was widely commented on in the press.

Exercise IX (p. 334)

1. Being rejected by the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for revision. 2. Having been rejected by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a weekly magazine. 3. Having waited for some time in the reception room, he was asked into the office. 4. Waiting in the reception room, he thought over what he would say when he was asked into the office. 5. They reached the peak at dusk having left their camp with the first light. 6. They put up for the night at a temporary camp leaving it at dawn. 7. The friends went out into the city having left their suitcases at the left luggage department. 8. Writing and leaving a note with the porter, he said he would be back in half an hour. 9. Being written in the archaic language, the book was difficult to read. 10. Having written his first book, he could not go far beyond his own experience. 11. Having been away so long, he was happy to be coming back. 12. Being so far away, he still felt himself part of his community. 13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant having never seen such a huge animal. 14. Not wanting to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly changed the conversation.

Exercise X (p. 335)

a)1. We came up to the man who was standing on the corner of the street and asked him the way. 2. Go to the corner and ask the militiaman standing over there to show you the way. 3. The man standing at the schedule was our teacher last year. 4. Did you see in what direction the man who was standing here went? 5. A new


power plant supplying with electricity a number of industrial regions is to be built in two years. 6. The people waiting for the doctor have been sitting here for a long time. 7. The people who were waiting for you have just left.

b)1. Having told everything he knew, the witness left the room.

2.Having knocked twice and not having got an answer, he decided that there was nobody in. 3. Pushing the door, he felt that it was not locked, and opening it, he looked inside. 4. Quietly closing the door, he tiptoed into the room. 5. Each time telling about this incident, he could not help a smile. 6. Coming to the hotel, she found a telegram awaiting her. 7. Having come here only a few years before, he knew those parts as if he had always lived there.

8.I felt very tired having worked the whole day in the sun.

9.Picking up a receiver, he began to dial the number.

c)1. The conference being held at university now is devoted to the problems of nuclear physics. 2. Unable to attend the conference that had been held then at university, we asked to be sent the most interesting reports. 3. They are now at the conference being held at university. 4. The sight of the table being laid made my mouth water. 5. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key being turned in the lock.

6.Having put them into the water, the flowers opened their petals.

7.The flowers faded having been kept without water for a long time.

Exercise XI (p. 336)

1. He looked at the boy sitting on the chair in the garden. 2. The boy who had been sitting in the garden went home. 3. “What happened?” asked father hearing some noise from the next room. 4. They came to the road leading to the forest. 5. They lived in the house formerly having belonged to her grandmother. 6. Jane looked at the faded plants growing near the wall. 7. Closing the door, he came up to the writing table. 8. They entered the room speaking loudly. 9. Taking off her old dress she put on a new one. 10. I met him again on board the ship returning home. 11. Coming to the mirror, he looked at his face. 12. He was lying quietly thinking about a forthcoming business trip to the Caucasus. 13. They came to the door and stood there speaking.

14.Looking at Tom, who had broken his toy, father shook his head.

15.Coming to the centre of the city, he stopped at the public telephone and rang his friend up. 16. Kissing the children, he went to his work.

17.He pointed to the woman standing at the metro. 18. The student copying the text of the task didn’t pay attention to the coming people. 19. The students who had copied the text of the task left the lecture-hall.


Exercise XII (p. 336)

1. Having finished their lessons, they went home. 2. Here is the letter informing about his arrival. 3. They were going along the path merrily singing songs. 4. Having left the house early, we didn’t hurry.

5.Looking out of the window, I saw a group of playing children.

6.Having come to the station, we learnt that the train had already gone. 7. Having heard that she was ill, we went to visit her. 8. Not finding him home, I left a note to him. 9. Having read two pages, he closed the book. 10. Seeing that the thunderstorm is approaching, the children ran home. 11. Having heard the knock, she went to open the door. 12. Not having got an answer to her letter, she wrote again.

13.Having missed the first train, we were forced to wait for about an hour at the station. 14. The students who had copied the text yesterday will work at it today. 15. A turner working at the lathe watched attentively the process of grinding. 16. Having slept for several hours after the trip, the tourists felt refreshed and strong. 17. Listening to music, he forgot about troubles. 18. Having finished his work, he usually went to the canteen. 19. Having got a letter, I immediately answered it.

Exercise XIII (p. 337)

1. Leaving the house early, I decided to walk. 2. We were sitting on deck taking delight of the sea air. 3. Reading English books in the original, he usually uses a dictionary. 4. Reading Furmanov’s story “Chapaev”, I recollected the years of the civil war. 5. Reading this book, I will write out new words and expressions. 6. Having read your book, I’ll give it to your friend at once. 7. Seeing a bus, I decided not to wait for a tram. 8. Having heard a whistle, a dog pricked up his ears. 9. Performing a wonderful sonata, a young musician was very excited. 10. Having heard a telephone ring, I picked up a receiver. 11. Having read the book “The Hunter”, I decided to read other works by Aldridge. 12. We stopped near the turn of the road leading to the nearest village.

Exercise XIV (p. 337)

1. The rising sun was covered by the clouds. 2. I picked up a letter lying on the floor. 3. Having come to the railway station, I called a porter. 4. Having learned the problem in details, he could answer all the questions. 5. Having lost the key, he couldn’t enter the room. 6. Turning to the left, we saw a new large building. 7. Having learned that he was still in Moscow, I rang him up. 8. Being very absentminded, he made some mistakes copying the text. 9. Not knowing the


way to the railway station, I decided to turn to the man standing on the corner. 10. Knowing him very well, I could recommend him as a very good worker. 11. During the report I noticed a young man sitting in the corner of the hall and listening to the speaker with great attention. 12. Having learned that the next train would go only at 11 o’clock in the evening, I decided to take the morning train. 13. Having learned the pronunciation of these words, we learned their meaning. 14. Not knowing anything about the danger, we continued our way.

Exercise XVII (p. 338)

1.a) The monument erected on this square has been recently unveiled. b) The monument being erected on this square will be soon unveiled.

2.a) We could hear the noise of furniture being moved upstairs. b) For a moment they sat silent moved by the story. 3. a) I cannot forget the story being told by him. b) They listened breathlessly to the story told by the old man. 4. a) One can’t fail to notice the progress made by our group during the last term. b) These are only a few of the attempts now being made to improve the methods of teaching adult students. 5. a) We live at a time of outer space being conquered by man. b) “I wish I could live to see outer space conquered by man,” said the old professor.

Exercise XVIII (p. 338)

1. The number of apartment houses being built for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing. 2. What is the number of apartment houses built in the past few years? 3. The houses that had been built many years ago are not as convenient as the modern ones. 4. The workers who built this house used new construction methods. 5. At the conference they discussed new methods which are being used in construction. 6. The new methods used in the construction of houses proved more effective. 7. They decided to abandon some of the methods which had been used formerly in construction. 8. The bricklayer who had used a new method in construction made a report at the conference. 9. Here are some samples of the products of this plant being sent to different parts of the country. 10. These are the samples of products sent last month. 11. Here are the samples of products of the plant which sent us machinery. 12. These are the samples of products which had been sent before the restoration of the plant.

Exercise XIX (p. 339)

1. A letter received yesterday excited everybody. 2. The house built at the top of the hill was seen from far away. 3. A deer chased by some


dogs hid in the thicket. 4. A catalogue of pictures of this painter kept in national museums came out recently. 5. Though the book was devoted to a narrow topic, it was interesting not only for specialists. 6. As the article was written in a difficult language, it was not easy to translate it. 7. When the rule was explained once more it seemed to be quite easy. 8. A letter addressed to the editor was left without any answer. 9. They recollected about the days spent in England during Shakespeare’s festival. 10. A child being left alone in the darkness began to cry. 11. The doctor tried all the recommended methods.

12.The play performed by a young producer is a great success.

13.When she was asked, she gave her address.

Exercise XX (p. 339)

1. Acollection of manuscripts that had been gathered for many decades at this university is one of the richest in the world. 2. Next day we went to the address which was given to us by the doctor. 3. Some problems which are touched in the report earn serious attention.

4.When I came to the writing table I found a sealed up envelope on it.

5.A discussed problem interests all of us. 6. Wakened by the noise in the street he couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. 7. The experiments made by the scientists were very important for space exploration.

8.The scientist who had made this discovery is rewarded by the Nobel Prize. 9. The article published in yesterday’s issue of the newspaper Izvestia pays special attention to the economic life of the country. 10. The conference devoted to the problems of economic development adopted a resolution. 11. This letter has just been signed by the director.

Exercise XXI (p. 339)

1. I was offered a ticket for the concert but I refused. 2. The letter can’t be sent today as it is not signed by the director. 3. They did everything as it was ordered. 4. The playwright who wrote this play is quite young. 5. He was escaping in the car chased by the police. 6. A statement made by the participants of the conference worried everybody. 7. A teacher was standing surrounded by the crowd of schoolchildren. 8. All books taken from the library must be returned next week. 9. The children played in the destroyed cottage. 10. The fallen leaves lay quietly in the pond. 11. When he was asked to help me he rang me up at once. 12. If he is given a dictionary he will translate this article. 13. You can find such articles in the magazine published monthly by our research institute.


Revision Exercises on the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb

Exercise III (p. 341)

1. I regret to have missed the show. 2. I regret having said I am not coming. 3. He is quite able to take care of himself. 4. He is capable of doing things you would least expect of him. 5. He would not stop asking questions until he thought it was clear about everything.

6.We called after him, but he did not even stop turning his head.

7.I don’t like your way of talking. 8. This is not the way of being talked. 9. It was very useful to hear the different opinions. 10. It’s no use of arguing when the matter is settled. 11. You can hardly count on finding everything as you would like it to be. 12. He felt they were hiding something from him, and he demanded to be told the truth.

13.I’ll give you a chance to try your hand at it. 14. Will we have a chance of ever seeing you here again? 15. His time was up, but he still went on talking. 16. After saying a few words about the author himself, the lecturer went on speaking of his works. 17. I need spectacles for reading. 18. The print is too small; I need a magnifying glass to read it with.

Exercise IV (p. 341)

1. He went over to the window standing there and listening to the hum of voices which was coming from the outside. 2. Having deafened by the noise he did not at once notice when it stopped. 3. I couldn’t ring him up not knowing his telephone number. 4. Having put it to vote, the resolution was carried unanimously. 5. “These are pretty,” she exclaimed picking up a bouquet of violets and pinning them on. 6. She lay awake all night thinking of what had happened. 7. The light streaming from the half open door dazzled him. 8. We went to see our friends having just returned from a far voyage. 9. The lorry drove closer to the ship being unloaded. 10. From the kitchen came a pleasant smell, some appetizing food being cooked there. 11. He had a massive gold watch having belonged to his father. 12. The sidewalks were crowded with people having come to watch the actors.

Exercise V (p. 342)

1. working; 2. sitting; 3. being locked, refusing; 4. perching; 5. being shaken; 6. plunging; 7. having plunged; 8. arriving; 9. having arrived; 10. being supported; 11. supporting; 12. having come; 13. leaving; 14. having turned; 15. travelling.


Exercise VI (p. 342)

1. having switched on; 2. to switch on; 3. to spill; 4. spilling; 5. informing; 6. to inform; 7. to be expected; 8. to have been expected; 9. to connect; 10. waiting; 11. to see; 12. having remembered; 13. protecting; 14. moved.

Exercise VII (p. 342)

1. The company left the café gaily chattering. 2. The promised telegram never arrived. 3. The surrounded enemy showed no resistance. 4. The sleeping child was lying on his back. 5. She turned her smiling face to him. 6. I looked at him with a perplexed frown. 7. The only person cleaning inside the building was charwoman. 8. Soon they moved into the thicket reaching the boundary. 9. The boy immediately fell asleep slipping into bed. 10. The girl stared at the branches slowly moving in the darkness. 11. The leaving bus will arrive at noon to catch you in time. 12. We sent a cable receiving no answer. 13. The water came flooding the valley.

Exercise IX (p. 343)

1. not; 2. without; 3. not; 4. not; 5. not, without; 6. not; 7. without; 8. not; 9. without; 10. not; 11. without; 12. without.

Exercise X (p. 343)

1.Having torn the envelope open, he took out the enclosed letter. Having turned it several times in his hand, he put it back unread.

2.Coming to the party, we found everybody gathered. 3. He insisted on my speaking in public. 4. Having examined every little exhibit in the museum, he now had a complete idea of the poet’s life. 5. Having remembered this once and for all, you won’t make me remind you of it.

6.He couldn’t help bursting into laughter when he saw me in this dress. 7. Not wishing to meet anybody, they went round the house and entered it from the back lest they should be observed. 8. Not having heard my question, he did not answer; he kept on reading.

9.Having planted more trees in the garden, they made it shady.

10.Not suspecting a trap, he readily accepted the offer. 11. Examining the post mark, I noted that the communication had been sent last Thursday. 12. Without taking regular treatment you will not recover soon.

Exercise XI (p. 344)

1. He raised up his head a) with a surprised look; b) to see who had entered; c) and saw somebody watching him. 2. We have many people


to help us; b) who can help us. 3. He settled at the new place and didn’t leave it; b) Having settled at the new place, he never left it. 4. The scientists brought back from the expedition some pictures of deep water fishes not seen before. 5. That is one of the greatest discoveries ever made by a man. 6. The first batch of the goods a) being sent to the fair has arrived; b) having been sent to the fair is on the way to the port of delivery; c) to be sent to the fair is ready for transportation. 7. a) I shiver only thinking about it; b) I shivered having thought about it. 8. a) He must be a great authority on the subject having written such a book; b) He was a great authority on the subject having worked in the field for so many years. 9. a) How many rooms are reserved for the delegates arriving for the conference? b) There are some more delegates who are to arrive for the conference; c) These rooms are occupied by the delegates who had arrived for the conference.

Exercise XII (p. 344)

I1. a man receiving letters; 2. a letter received yesterday; 3. receiving letters; 4. having received a letter;

II1. the students listening to the report; 2. having listened to the latest news; 3. listening to the radio;

III 1. a girl reading a book; a read book; 3. reading a book; 4. having read a book;

IV 1. a student showing his project; 2. a project shown to us; 3. showing his project; 4. having shown his project;

V1. having all the necessary documents; 2. when we were asked; 3. having done a translation; 4. doing a translation.

Exercise XIII (p. 345)

1. a) Haven’t you forgotten to post a letter that I had given to you? b) Putting his hand into the pocket, he found there a letter which he forgot to post. c) Hardly had I read the first lines when I recollected that I had read these words somewhere. d) I quite forgot that I had lent my dictionary to somebody and I have been looking for it on the shelves for a long time. 2. a) The case proved to be serious and the doctor suggested calling the conference of specialist doctors. b) Seeing our difficulties, he offered to come to our help. 3. a) Has he kept his promise to take part in the competition? b) He promises soon to become one of the best chess players of our club. 4. a) In the second chapter the author continues describing the economic situation of the country. b) In the second chapter after the short analysis of the economy of the country the author describes the modern political situation.


5. a) His art couldn’t but arouse admiration. b) Everybody who saw his pictures couldn’t help admiring his art. 6. a) The guide proposed to begin an excursion with the sightseeing tour of the exhibition. b) It is known that they were going to start in the second half of the day. 7. a) We supposed to begin the inspection of the plant from this shop. b) I couldn’t even think about leaving him alone in this state of health.

Exercise XIV (p. 345)

1. A discussed problem has a great meaning. 2. He looked through the mail brought for several last days. 3. Having lived abroad for a long time, he was glad to return to the Motherland. 4. Having finished the experiments, they discussed the results. 5. She remembered that once she had spent summer in the south together with us. 6. Before copying the text, you should have read it attentively. 7. He said it in such a tone that I couldn’t help laughing. 8. Excuse my interrupting you, but I need your help. 9. Coming to that conclusion, the doctor decided to tell nothing to a patient. 10. They did everything as it had been ordered.

11.The letter addressed to the doctor was left without any answer.

12.Nobody insists on your staying here till evening. 13. Avoid using an indefinite article before the noun “weather”. 14. She is busy planting flowers in the garden; I hope she won’t have anything against our helping her. 15. I don’t remember having seen you before. 16. On learning about the expedition I decided to take part in it.

The Objective Participial Construction

(The Complex Object)

Exercise II (p. 347)

1. When I entered the room, I found him playing the piano. 2. He ordered the pictures to be removed from that hall. 3. I know even educated people to make this mistake. 4. When he looked out of the train window, he saw a little siding quickly approaching. 5. I expect him to be late. 6. She felt somebody take hold of her hand. 7. He intended you to be invited. 8. Turning back he saw his daughter following him slowly. 9. He believed these students to be fit for the job. 10. The parents watched their children swimming, diving and playing in the water.

Exercise III (p. 347)

1. The train started, and when Mike looked he saw the little station slipping away. 2. I saw the plate slip from her hands and fall to the


floor. 3. They stood on the platform waving their hands and watched the train disappearing in the distance. 4. They watched the train disappear and turned to leave the platform. 5. They could hear the child breathing quietly asleep. 6. He felt somebody touch his shoulder 7. I have never seen you look so well. 8. I noticed him giving me a look of sharpened interest. 9. I came home from school and found them having tea together. 10. She saw him stop and take something out of his breast pocket. 11. He watched the people laughing, talking and moving in front of him. 12. I saw you sitting with your head in your hands and that’s why I spoke. 13. From far away they suddenly heard a dog barking. 14. Through the open door I could smell the coffee boiling. 15. I watched him reading his letters, saw him frowning on one, smiling at another.

Exercise IV (p. 348)

1. Going out into the garden, I found her walking. 2. The woman stood at the door and watched the children playing. 3. I have never heard them speaking English. 4. Have you ever seen him playing football? 5. His parents won’t have him wasting time. 6. I shall have the papers signed. 7. I advise you to get the tickets booked. 8. As soon as I was outside the door, I heard her talking to herself. 9. “I’ll have the clothes dried at once,” she said. 10. Turning into the Green Street she heard her name called. 11. I must have my hair cut once a month. 12. Why don’t you have your TV repaired?

Exercise V (p. 348)

1. I had my car washed yesterday. 2. I had the gate painted last week. 3. She had the piano tuned yesterday. 4. I had my shoes mended. 5. Someone had it translated into English. 6. We must get our season tickets renewed. 7. We had the ceiling whitewashed. 8. We must get the knives sharpened. 9. We must get all this wood chopped up. 10. He had his coat lengthened. 11. He had his room tidied. 12. I had the whole report rewritten. 13. We must have our house painted.

Exercise VI (p. 348)

1. The girl smiled; I saw her snow-white teeth flash. 2. When we went out early in the morning, we saw grass, bushes and trees covered with dew glitter in the rays of the rising sun. 3. When he came to the sea he saw the two fishermen standing on the shore and folding the fishing nets. 4. The parents watched their children swimming, diving and playing in the water. 5. I see that you understand me and are not angry with me. 6. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting for a long time? 7. The